Christina Karakosta – GC Powerlist
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Greece and Cyprus 2022


Christina Karakosta

General counsel | Dodoni Ice-Cream


Greece and Cyprus 2022

Recommended Individual

Christina Karakosta

General counsel | Dodoni Ice-Cream

Team size: Two

What are the most significant cases or transactions you and your team have been involved in?

Dodoni ice-cream is currently going through a sales process, aiming to transfer either the total of its shares, or a material interest in its loans or assets. My team has been involved supporting the due diligence process, covering all legal aspects while providing detailed information to the parties involved. We have been focusing on the elaboration, evaluation, and legal assessment of alternative scenarios regarding the transaction, along with providing legal guidance on the successful completion of the process.

Even in the best-case scenario, Covid is likely to have far-reaching ramifications. How are you safeguarding the long-term health of the business?

The lasting effects of the global health and economic crisis that resulted from the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic are yet to be seen, but the world is certainly different. Like many other companies, Dodoni has faced multiple challenges with disruptions in its supply chain and sales channels, along with the additional responsibility of securing a safe environment for both employees and customers. General counsel had to balance legal, compliance and ESG matters in order to act in a sustainable manner, taking advantage of opportunities for the company, while trying to mitigate emerging risks.

What do you think are the biggest risks facing your industry now and how are you preparing your company and team to face these risks?

Dodoni operates in the ice-cream industry, which largely depends on seasonality, therefore it is exposed to several risks, most of which can have a significant financial impact. Additionally, global political turmoil has further added to the ongoing pandemic and climate change crisis. Inflation and higher cost of living had a direct impact on income, which is likely to impact sales. We have also experienced increasing energy costs pressing our operating margins. Future remains highly uncertain; therefore, we have been operating cautiously putting emphasis on strategic positioning, especially when forming contracts.

Christina Karakosta - Greece and Cyprus 2018

Corporate lawyer and general counsel | Dodoni Ice Cream

The current general counsel at the largest ice cream brand in Greece, Christina Karakosta is a long-serving legal professional with Dodoni Ice Cream, having spent over 13 years at the...

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