| Erste Bank (Finance legal)
Erste Bank (Finance legal)
The finance legal department at one of the largest financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe, Erste Bank, is responsible for all legal issues related to the financing process. The team, comprised of seven lawyers and one assistant, has most made an impact with its transactional work. In particular, last year the team played a highly instrumental role in overseeing legal support for the financing structure related to the Windpark Simonsfeld – a transaction which was awarded “deal of the year” in 2017 for its flawless execution. The department also made immense contributions to the development and protection of Erste Bank’s “GEORGE” consumer credit – a loan that is carried out completely online. The team’s recent relocation from a small office space in central Vienna to an open plan office at Erste Campus facilitates better contact for the lawyers with colleagues of other departments, hence ensuring even better support for the Bank’s transactional work. Besides the head of finance legal department Dr Christian Zepke, who over the course of his 37-year career at the bank has impressed with his exceptional professionalism, the team employs such outstanding professionals as retail finance legal team leader Ute Prieler, project finance expert Gernot Mörixbauer and consumer law specialist Josef Rath.