| LG Electronics Poland
LG Electronics Poland
LG Electronics Poland is a research and production arm of the South Korean electronics company’s European operations, creating some of the most innovative technical products in the market from artificially intelligent televisions, the latest mobile phones and appliances to robotics. Rafał Poznalski, head of legal, compliance department and cartel risk officer, runs a highly decorated in-house legal team having been featured in the 2017 GC Powerlist: Central and Eastern Europe. Poznalski’s team continues to impress through its handling of, preparation and implementation of new compliance programs designed to decrease legal “danger areas”. Its work is monitored by supervisory authorities and has been highly successful. The legal team also handles all contractual, commercial and corporate legal matters for the company. As one of the world’s leading technology manufacturers, LG globally employs around 77,000 people and has a global sales figure of US$48.8bn, of which the central European region plays a large part in delivering.