| OLX Group Poland
OLX Group Poland
A part of the global Naspers concern, the Polish branch of OLX Group manages the most popular websites with classified ads, such as OLX, OTOMOTO and OTODOM, and recently also FIXLY. Over 400 people are employed in the company offices in Poznan and Warsaw and more than 17 million Polish users browse these websites and publish over ten million of adverts each month. The legal department of OLX Group Poland was established by Maciej Szczepanski, who holds the position of head of legal and commercial proxy, in October 2016. Currently, the team consists of 11 people, including five lawyers, four members of the trust and safety unit (paralegal), one legal assistant and one support staff member – a legal administrative assistant. Since its creation, the team has been systematically expanding and the involvement of legal services in the activity of the OLX capital group in Poland, which is also in the process of expansion.