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India 2022


Debolina Partap

Senior vice president legal and group general counsel | Wockhardt


India 2022

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Debolina Partap

Senior vice president legal and group general counsel | Wockhardt

Team size: 15

What is the biggest risk facing your industry now and how are you preparing your organisation to deal with this?

The biggest challenge the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry are currently facing is protection of sensitive information and data of proprietary information clinical trials, research and development information and everything associated to them. The artificial intelligence world has evolved faster than privacy and data protection laws on the globe. While the laws are somewhat in place in developed countries, many jurisdictions have huge risks in preservation, protection, dissemination and enforcement of data and privacy laws. In such jurisdictions best practice personnel are also not up to standards, and setting benchmarks in these areas is a herculean task. In our organization we match best practice benchmarks across all jurisdictions. We have global quality standardised processes and protocols and digital shrouds to protect data and sensitive information, preventing all illegal and unlawful dissemination and leakages.

What are some of the most significant cases or transactions you have worked on recently?

Recently, we have done a public rights issue of equity in India, we have set up a digital platform for supply chain regulatory management, and we have recently restructured our entire US business of US$110m, settling regulatory issues with the government.

What is a cause, business or otherwise, you are passionate about and why?

I am extremely passionate about social transformational laws. Laws are made to regulate and change society’s mindset. But while many laws get written and passed, many more times they get scrambled and violated. Society-change ratio, where transformation is seen in human psychology, has not developed up to the mark. While science, technology, media and others have taken many leaps forward, human psychology still struggles with several conflicts. A lot needs to be done in the areas of prison jurisprudence, right to free legal service, right to human dignity, gender vs non gender social and economic equality, and right against torture. Laws relating to regulating and preventing social atrocities, transformational education, rehabilitation and abuse, and euthanasia still need a lot of work. My endeavour as a legal professional, as well as a general counsel, is to contribute to the organisation, legal fraternity and the country. To take an effective approach in changing the legal socio-economic jurisprudence to the alpha levels.

Debolina Partap - India 2023

Senior vice president legal and group general counsel | Wockhardt

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