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Rising Stars Mexico 2022

Commercial and professional services

Samantha Marcos Arrieta

Senior legal counsel | Element Fleet


Rising Stars Mexico 2022

Recommended Individual

Samantha Marcos Arrieta

Senior legal counsel | Element Fleet

Could you tell us a bit about your significant successes in your role?  

As a woman, being part of the legal team for the most important fleet management company, that provides financial services through operative lease, financial lease and loans of automotive vehicles such as light vehicles and heavy trucks for the different industries, it has been a constant challenge to deal not only the dynamism of the automotive industry. I have also had to break paradigms to demonstrate that women can venture into technical areas that in the past we were not considered options for us. I have also been able to show that within classic industries such as the financial and automotive industry there will always be room for women, even with the constant challenge of sourcing components which has subsequently interrupted the production and supply chains of auto parts for the manufacture of automotive vehicles by the OEM’s. 

I consider myself a game changer for several reasons such as, providing legal protection to the company, and avoiding any risks though clear and traceable legal procedures that allow the generation and implementation of new strategies for all the transactional closing contract negotiations. I also closely analyse the legal needs of our clients, going one step beyond the possible requests and negotiations of our clients, thereby reducing to maximum the closure of the agreements. I understand that at the current time we’re in requests a 360-degree vision, not only to protect but also to achieve and support the company’s growth. 

My main achievements are the development and implementation of a master lease agreement and a master services agreement, which is a unique document that includes the lease and additional services from our portfolio, such as maintenance, management, retatling, telematics, strategics consultants and fuel services, reducing the legal documents from six to one improving contractual review and negotiations for a successful closing supporting the business towards exceed revenue YOY growth. 


 In your opinion, what are the qualities and skills needed to form a strong legal team? 

Fellowship, resilience and empathy. These qualities and skills are essential to build a strong and healthy legal team. 

To belong is to be. This allows you to develop, create and exceed every goal because you attempt everything with passion, contribute to your team and understand that being a member of a legal team is not only to create and close agreements. It is more than that, it is being a legal protector with the capacity to understand the vision of the company and being a decision maker taking calculated actions and avoiding any risk. 

What is the biggest risk to your industry or organisation and how are you contributing to prepare your organisation for this? 

From my point of view the biggest risk for the company is the current situation we are facing in the automotive industry and how the market is changing according to the necessities of the demand, from the lack of components and the manufacture interrupting supply chains to the growth and boom of new products, such as electric vehicles. 

Growth and boom of new products are part of my specialty and one of my main concerns. I devote specifics efforts to legal research in order to identify business and legal opps to ensure our business exceeds revenue and is prepared for new amendments of a law, such as the labor reform that we faced this year.  

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