Joana Rocha – GC Powerlist
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Brazil 2018


Joana Rocha

Legal manager | Brasil Insurance


Brazil 2018

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Joana Rocha

Legal manager | Brasil Insurance

Joana Rocha - Brazil 2016

Legal Manager | Brasil Insurance

Described by one source as ‘an extremely professional, business-oriented, responsive and yet still kind and patient lawyer’, Joana Rocha serves as legal manager at Brasil Insurance, the first insurance brokerage...

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Joana Rocha, legal manager at Brasil Insurance since 2011, has returned to the Powerlist due to her continued success and management skill at Brasil Insurance, one of Brazil’s largest insurers. Rocha provides expert legal support and management to all sectors of the company including its marketing, operational, commercial, fiscal, accounting and investor relations. She prepares analysis and drafting of general meetings, shareholders’ agreements, and all other corporate governance and regulatory matters. She is an expert on the insurance industry’s regulatory framework and keeps the firm abreast of all statutory changes, providing expert contract drafting and negotiation. She manages the company’s relationship with regulators, such as Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) and SUSEP Superintendence of private insurances and prepares relevant facts for the CVM and Bovespa. Brasil Insurance is one of the largest in Latin America providing a full service of products for individuals and corporations – a mixture of 40 brokerage companies, it is active in all of the major global insurance markets.

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Joana Rocha

Legal Manager

Brasil Insurance

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