Sachin Goel – GC Powerlist
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Green Southeast Asia 2023


Sachin Goel

Executive director, head of CxG | Creador


Green Southeast Asia 2023

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Sachin Goel

Executive director, head of CxG | Creador

Can you talk about you or your company’s efforts relating to renewability, sustainability or other environmentally- friendly activities?
At Creador, we work closely with the management teams of our portfolio companies to develop and implement sustainability strategies that align with international environmental standards and regulations, such as the SASB framework. We believe that by integrating ESG considerations into a company’s operations and culture, we can help them manage risks, reduce costs, and identify new opportunities for growth.
To achieve these goals, we conduct materiality assessments to identify key ESG risks and opportunities, and work with our portfolio companies to create detailed ESG Action Plans that set specific targets and track progress towards meeting these targets. Our team also provides guidance and support in areas such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable sourcing.
Why are sustainability officers well-placed to drive change in their organisations?
They can be the bridge between business needs & need for sustainable practices required in today’s world. If done right, sustainability does not mean compromising on economic returns expected from organisations, rather how to make it central to business and the 2 ecosystems should co-exist i.e. Sustainability & Economic gains. Sustainability officers need to look at all material factors that could impact an organisation from the perspective of Environment, Social & Governance factors – there are both risks as well as opportunities for every organisation from these factors, as applicable to them. Sustainability officer is well placed to assess this and bring it into dialogue with the management team. And thus, be both harbinger of a roadmap ahead and be the change agent as well to seed this new, growing approach across with the employees.
It can be difficult to truly measure a company’s track record and accomplishments in terms of their environmentally friendly behaviour. What do you think has, until now, been mostly missed when discussing how green a company is?
There is a strong need for KPIs setting tracking and monitoring required in firms. Lack of common standards and changing our new frameworks have made this a bit difficult. Also, the knowledge and common understanding, especially with SMEs is still a challenge. There is a growing attempt of measuring company’s emissions and carbon footprint; however, scope 1 and 2 are easier for firms to measure than scope 3, which deals with firm’s supply chain emission scoping – that remains mostly difficult to accomplish.

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