Diego Cifone – GC Powerlist
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Argentina 2017

Food, beverages and tobacco

Diego Cifone

Director – legal, public and government affairs | PepsiCo


Argentina 2017


Recommended Individual

Diego Cifone

Director – legal, public and government affairs | PepsiCo


Diego Cifone is the director for legal, public and government affairs for the Southern Cone region of PepsiCo, the global food and beverage leader whose operations in the region cover Peru, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. With an extensive brand portfolio and several production facilities, including bottling plants, Cifone must ensure that the complex regulatory environment is navigated successfully whilst also directing and supervising his team of professionals. Demonstrating his managerial skill, Cifone was singled out by one source as being a ‘great motivator not only as a boss but also as a lawyer’ as well as being known to ‘quickly spread enthusiasm in achieving goals’ and ‘encourage improvement on a day-by-day basis’. Cifone has amassed a tremendous amount of experience in global companies, including over 10 years at PepsiCo, and six years at Unilever.

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