| KFC South Pacific
KFC South Pacific
Headquartered in the United States, Yum! Restaurants International operates some of the best-known fast food outlets globally, including KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Encompassing locations in both Australia and New Zealand, KFC South Pacific is responsible for around 600 directly-operated and franchised KFC restaurants which serve around two million customers weekly. Its legal and corporate affairs team, led by Sally Glover, chief legal and corporate affairs officer for KFC South Pacific, has recently been involved in innovating through new technologies including ‘the roll-out of an easy to use online marketing materials approval system’. On top of this, Glover explains that they have been involved in a series of large deals in support of the overarching company objectives: ‘We were involved in the sale of 103 of KFC Australia’s company-owned restaurants to 23 existing KFC franchisees in 35 separate transactions’, being one such example. Glover, a highly experienced in-house legal professional and team leader, is extremely complimentary of her colleagues. She states: ‘Ana Gacis, legal counsel and the newest member of the team, has helped the department embrace new technologies and devised repeatable models’ and ‘Jaime Frasca, also legal counsel, has built strong relationships with the marketing department, ensuring close consultation and interactions with respect to critical campaigns and contract negotiations. Debbie Thew, our paralegal of 30 years tenure, is an excellent teacher who readily shares her wealth of knowledge and experience with respect to franchising transactions with the department to help us all build the know-how we need to give support the business’. Glover concludes by outlining the team’s culture and how this helps them to achieve its goals: ‘We are people-focused business enablers and trusted advisors whose culture reflects in part our company’s strong people-first approach’.