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Austria Teams 2023

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Dentsu Austria

| Dentsu Austria


Austria Teams 2023

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Dentsu Austria

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

As a small legal team, the integration into the whole company is key, so all colleges from the business are somehow part of the legal team. The biggest innovation might have been a three-step contract scrutiny process, that did not only cost nothing but improved the workflow and therefore actually saved time and money as it laid down the exact responsibilities, timings and to-dos of all stakeholders. It works in the general form of agile working.

Apart from legal matters, has the team worked on other company initiatives?

Quite a huge amount of our work is compliance and DIE. We train our colleagues in compliance and ethics, control and audit those internal regulations. It takes a holistic view on the company to manage all challenges that we face in the legal department, because only if we understand all internal and external regulations as well as the needs of the people we work with and the needs of the business we can honestly and positively support the company as legal counsel.

Can you sum up the team culture/ethos in one sentence?

I think the culture and ethos of all legal teams at Dentsu is best summarised with the general counsel’s oath. Stand up for what is right, lead by example. Part of this is also that we work together across all borders, not only within the legal teams but also across all departments.

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Michael Pelzl

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