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Denmark Teams 2023



| Lunar


Denmark Teams 2023

Recommended Team


Team size: 10

Key team members: Svend Ulrik Riis, Mikkel Prehn and Jens Østergaard

Major legal advisers: Bech Bruun

Can you give an idea of the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Lunar is growing across the Nordics. Among the notable achievements has been the acquisition of both Lendify and Paylike; the launch of a crypto solution through Lunar Block; and the app, ShareIt taking up the competition among the expense management apps. Increasing the presence in Sweden and Norway by entering into payment schemes and clearing is also an achievement we are proud to facilitate as a legal department.

How has the increasing consciousness of climate change and sustainability affected your company and the team’s priorities?

Being in a relatively newly started organisation, sustainability is integrated in the way we work. This is not just expected by our employees in Lunar, where the average age of our employees is below 30, or the expectation by our Investors which are drivers – but a part of the DNA of Lunar which is to do better, hold high standards and meet the requirements of our society.

With the rapid increase on all parameters – customers, employees, or the financial number – it is challenging to keep up with reporting requirements, but also extremely positive to see how the day-to-day efforts work.

We believe in transparency as an important driver for our customers to engage in their financial situation in order to be in control and thrive. As a scale up company, it is also the decisions to keep clear of old habits and legacies that makes the difference. This involves saying no to financing companies within oil and gas, supporting small start-up companies bringing forward novel solutions, and making sure our own direct impact and emissions are low.

Are you now putting more emphasis on preparing for the unforeseen and, if so, what does this entail?

The unusual business environment created by the pandemic has been swiftly followed by the Ukraine crisis, and attendant supply chain costs rising and rising inflation. There is no doubt that the turmoil following both the pandemic and the Russian attack on Ukraine has been a challenge, but it is also important to be able to grab the opportunities available and make products that empower customers in the situation they are in.

Lunar offers digital solutions that have shown to be an offering requested during the pandemic, when physical contact was reduced, and digital solutions preferred. Lunar was also one of the one of few banks offering accounts customised to Ukrainians coming to Denmark. Hence, being able to adapt and be constantly aware is important for a legal team.

It has always been a part of Lunar’s core values to have a sense of urgency and be brave. In a legal approach, this includes mapping and mitigating risk in close dialogue with product developers, design teams and senior management.

As part of the legal team in Lunar, you are a valued advisor to the management; key qualifications are the ability to analyse and estimate consequences of what may come, and try to prepare for unforeseen events, whatever they may be. In a tumultuous environment, and in a business like Lunar, understanding risk is important, so the management can make decisions with as much information as possible. Lunar’s legal team plays a key role as trusted advisors.

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Svend Ulrik Riis

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Svend Ulrik Riis

Head of legal and financial crime prevention


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