Luke Facer – GC Powerlist
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Australia and New Zealand 2016

Luke Facer

Vice president, general counsel and company secretary | Orion Health


Australia and New Zealand 2016

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Luke Facer

Vice president, general counsel and company secretary | Orion Health


‘I am fortunate to work for a high growth company in a high growth industry’, says Luke Facer. ‘As industries, IT and healthcare are both evolving extremely fast to keep up with new technology and an aging population. At Orion Health these two come together, creating an exciting and fast-paced working environment. It is also great to know you are working for a company that is on the cutting edge of technical innovation when it comes to improving health outcomes. Bottom line; I enjoy coming to work every day because I am passionate about the industry that I work in and Orion Health’s role in that industry’. Managing lawyers across New Zealand, the US and UK, Luke Facer heads Orion Health’s global legal and compliance strategy, and takes a central role in strategic planning. ‘I enjoy working with the executive team to solve business issues and improve the company’s performance’, he says. ‘It puts me into a business context, and I have always enjoyed the unique perspectives of those outside of the legal profession’. Facer drew notice shortly after joining Orion for his role in preparing and supporting the company’s transition from private to public company. ‘The first thing I sought to achieve was to get the company “IPO-ready”’, he explains. ‘This included improving governance processes, and managing risk and starting to act more like a public company before we needed to. This all helped in leading the IPO process as it made for a smoother transition for the company’. As well as leading dual-listing on the Australian and New Zealand stock exchanges, he also led related investment banking engagement and capital markets strategy. Another personal highlight for Facer was handling the purchase of Microsoft’s hospital IT system, Amalga, and structuring Orion’s entry into APAC’s and EMEA’s hospital spaces. The highly international nature of his role is, of course, not without its difficulties. ‘We have about 30 offices in 15-plus countries and also do business in many other countries outside our office locations’, he says. ‘It is a challenge staying on top of so many different jurisdictions and associated legal issues; not to mention all of the time zones’.

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