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Peru 2023

Materials and mining

Patricia Kosa Muñoz

Legal and compliance director | Gold Fields La Cima


Peru 2023

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Patricia Kosa Muñoz

Legal and compliance director | Gold Fields La Cima

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?

Managing the legal implications and risks surrounding environmental and regulatory legislation. At a time when mining in Peru faces complex social and regulatory challenges, I have taken responsibility for facilitating legal and strategic decisions to achieve the long-term purpose of the company, which is to create value beyond mining.

To achieve this goal, it is crucial to manage the legal and environmental implications and risks associated with regulatory legislation. As stakeholder demands shift towards a focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, it is imperative to maintain transparency and positive relationships with all parties, including authorities, communities, and stakeholders. By addressing concerns and managing expectations effectively, we can mitigate risks and capture opportunities, ensuring continued success for our mining company.

Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most?

Looking ahead, I strongly believe that advancements in technology will significantly impact the role of in-house legal teams. One example of this is the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in contract management and analysis, which has the potential to simplify the process of verifying legal documents and facilitate secure transactions. By leveraging these technological advancements, in-house legal teams can streamline their work processes and focus on more intricate tasks that require their specialised expertise.

Nevertheless, these advancements may introduce new challenges such as data privacy and cybersecurity concerns. As legal professionals, we must remain abreast of legal and regulatory changes in the technology space and utilise our knowledge to provide guidance to the company.

What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why?

As a female legal director, I am passionately dedicated to providing other women, young professionals, and students with access to opportunities within the mining sector. I strive to promote diversity, inclusion, ethics, and a respectful work environment at Gold Fields, not only to have a positive impact on our business, but to have a positive influence on the lives of the persons impacted directly or indirectly by it.

Furthermore, as the President of WAAIME PERU, an organisation dedicated to promoting higher education for low-income university students interested in the mining sector, we offer scholarships to develop their capacities and increase their possibilities in accessing better opportunities. Our mission is to foster a more diverse and inclusive society overall.

Patricia Kosa Muñoz - Peru 2022

Legal and compliance manager for the American region | Gold Fields La Cima

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