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Peru 2023

Energy and utilities

Solange Cuadros Ramirez

Legal affairs director | PERU LNG


Peru 2023

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Solange Cuadros Ramirez

Legal affairs director | PERU LNG

Team size: Six

What has been the number one challenge that has impacted you over the past year?

Our company is constantly exposed to a diverse variety of risks that are constantly challenging to manage or deal with. From a legal perspective, one of the biggest challenges that has impacted me over the past year were the changes to current legislation and regulatory matters due to the pandemic and the changes of government in my country, that may potentially affect our business and the performance of our operations. I have deep knowledge of PERU LNG’s core business and its industry-specific regulation, which allows me to lead my team in providing the most effective legal advice and dealing with the challenges associated with the development of new Peruvian regulation.

Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most?

In my opinion, artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as one of the newest technological advancements that is transforming the way we interact. As the world has become even more changing and evolving rapidly, I am strongly convinced that in my role as legal affairs director, adaptability and resilience are critical to be successful. I do not have doubts that AI will impact the legal profession and the different areas of law. This technological advancement can help in-house legal teams to automate some specific legal tasks and be more efficient in the practice of law. However, it also raises ethical questions regarding its use and development. Therefore, I believe it is crucial for in-house legal teams to explore and have a deep understanding about the implications of AI in the legal industry to adapt our roles and responsibilities to this new trend.

What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why?

Our company is on a transformative journey to reinvent its corporate strategy to drive business growth. I have been lucky enough to work directly with our senior executives who gave me the opportunity to work together for strategic commercial and investment corporate decisions which also allowed me to receive coaching opportunities from these top leaders. I work with different departments in strategic matters that impact the company transversally, such as seeking new business ventures with the commercial and finance teams, which includes supporting on the assessment of energy transition projects that will be the future on the energy sector. Innovation is key for such purposes.

Officially open for business in 2010, Peru LNG is a $3.8bn liquefied natural gas plant that was the first of its kind in South America upon commencing operations. Solange Cuadros...

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