| Syngenta Brasil
Syngenta Brasil
Employing 1,800 professionals, the Brazilian local subsidiary of Swiss multinational agribusiness Syngenta operates in the country’s main agricultural regions through research centres and experimental stations. As part of the parent company’s complex and diversified production chain, Syngenta Brasil and its legal team in São Paulo work on a number of deals involving regional suppliers that range from leading chemical industry and global operations to agricultural companies, independent producers and farmers’ cooperatives. The team is comprised of dedicated in-house legal professionals who have been with the company for a number of years, including legal director Filipe Teixeira who is responsible for intellectual property, seeds and biotechnology legal matters in Latin America. Senior legal manager for litigation in Latin America, Antonio Alexandre Cruz Felippe is another key team member, as are legal managers for Syngenta Crop Protection Vera Cintra and Patricia Cristina Medeiros.