M. Camila Quintero – GC Powerlist
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Colombia 2023


M. Camila Quintero

Legal vice president | Ashmore CAF-AM Management Company


Colombia 2023


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M. Camila Quintero

Legal vice president | Ashmore CAF-AM Management Company

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

There are a couple of innovative tools that we have implemented in our team that have helped us work efficiently while keeping costs down. First, we have created standardised documents that contain knowledge of the most common and complex procedures within the company. This has fostered collaboration, reduced duplication of work and improved efficiency in a number of routine tasks, such as generating reports for LPs. The aim is to use it as a tool for future automated document generation using a customised software solution. In addition, we have set up an internal training programme in which experts from different fields, not necessarily legal, and ourselves prepare lectures on topics relevant to the sector and our fundraising process.

Can you foresee any key developments to the way general counsel work over the next five years?

Over the next five years, several key developments are expected to shape the way general counsel works. There are a few trends that stand out. Firstly, technology, in particular, the automation of routine tasks, tools for contract management, data analytics and AI for legal research. General counsel will also need to focus greatly on ESG issues, they must play a key role in promoting ESG initiatives within their organisations and should guide their organisations in aligning legal practices with social values, sustainability objectives and corporate governance principles. It is not simply a matter of discussing and formulating policies within companies; it is also crucial to establish enforceable mechanisms that ensure sufficient incentives for all stakeholders to align with the ESG strategy. Finally, I expect general counsel to become business advisors, they will have to go beyond being mere legal advisors, their role must be expanded so that technical, commercial, and financial areas come under their remit.

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, you are passionate about, and why?

I am passionate about making a significant contribution to infrastructure development in Colombia. I firmly believe that collaboration between the public and private sectors is the key to achieving real change. Infrastructure plays a transformative role in people’s lives, especially in developing countries. Moreover, infrastructure development has the power to positively influence various aspects of society. It improves accessibility, connects remote areas, and thus facilitates economic growth. Furthermore, sustainable practices must be at the heart of infrastructure development. By incorporating ESG aspects into our investment process, it is possible to make tangible contributions to the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals. I am convinced that public-private partnerships, coupled with sustainable practices and innovative approaches, can create transformative changes that positively impact the lives of people across the country.

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