Phyllis Gleiser – GC Powerlist
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Colombia 2023

Food, beverages and tobacco

Phyllis Gleiser

General counsel and compliance officer | Nestlé Colombia


Colombia 2023

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Phyllis Gleiser

General counsel and compliance officer | Nestlé Colombia

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, you are passionate about, and why?

I am passionate about respecting human rights, doing the right thing, and making the world a better place. As companies, we have the privilege and opportunity to be a force for good and make a difference. From the ESG front, there are several areas where we can make a significant impact. I am very proud of Nestlé Colombia, where we have made great progress on Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, with the aim of improving the crime in the zones where we operate. To this end, we implemented a project with several pillars, including the development of an observatory of the causes of violence, to help local governments identify the root causes of violence and generate solid, research-based public policies to address these situations.

In addition, we have built alternative conflict resolution capacities to provide local people with tools to resolve problems without resorting to violence. The project also includes human rights training, ultimately to help the communities create more peaceful environments. We are also conducting our human rights due diligence across our dairy value chain to identify if there are any adverse impacts on our operations and implement corrective actions.

I am also passionate about gender equality and closing the global gender gap. According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2022, if we continue the current trajectory, it will take more than 135 years to close the gap worldwide. We need to take concrete actions to accelerate the closing of this gap. At Nestlé, we promote diversity, inclusion, and gender parity, seeking to develop our teams with a mindset that promotes dignity and respect. We are committed to ensuring gender equality in our recruitment and career development.

Phyllis Gleiser - Colombia 2024

General counsel and compliance officer | Nestlé Colombia

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Phyllis Gleiser - Colombia 2022

General counsel and compliance officer | Nestlé Colombia

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Phyllis Gleiser has nearly 20 years of experience advising companies in the FMCG sector. Her diverse experience in private practice at leading law firms in Colombia and as in-house counsel to global players in the FMCG space, coupled with her experience in government and in a multilateral organisation, provides Phyllis with a holistic view of the business in her role as general counsel and head of compliance. Phyllis leads the legal and compliance department of Nestlé Colombia. She leads a team of four lawyers with expertise in areas such as: antitrust law, consumer law, data protection, intellectual property, environmental law, corporate, contracts, human rights, sustainability, and advocacy. Together they support all Nestlé business lines, including infant nutrition, dairy, culinary, confectionery, coffee, pet food and professional restaurant supply. One of Phyllis’ greatest achievements has been to structure and implement a way of working that ensures the smooth running of the department that provides the best support to all business teams in Colombia.

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