Imperial Oil – GC Powerlist
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Canada Teams 2019

Imperial Oil

| Imperial Oil


Canada Teams 2019

Recommended Team

Imperial Oil


Canada’s largest refiner of oil, Imperial Oil, has a supremely talented and experienced
in-house legal team led by highly regarded vice-president and general counsel Peter Dinnick. With a wealth of international experience in Australia, Nigeria and Russia, Dinnick leads the highly skilled team across Imperial’s diverse business operations. As an integrated energy producer, Imperial is involved in oil exploration, production, refinement, transportation and production of bitumen, lubricants, diesel, heating oil and natural gas. It also invests in top quality research and partnerships. The legal team provides the legal and regulatory backing to make this wide range of activitues possible. In the last year, the team has helped Imperial achieve a number of new investments and increase its business, including the C$2.6bn investment in its Aspen project to develop 75,000 barrels of bitumen per day near Fort McMurray, Alberta.

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