Andrea Sellini – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2023

Consumer products

Andrea Sellini

Group legal manager | Bialetti Industrie


Italy 2023

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Andrea Sellini

Group legal manager | Bialetti Industrie

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense? 

In collaboration with HR, I opted to utilize the new, Italian and European, regulations as a means for training and empowering our young talent. This initiative encompasses areas such as whistleblowing and sustainability committees. For both endeavours, we carefully selected internal talents who delved into the legal frameworks, crafted comprehensive presentations for the Board of Directors, and will subsequently become active members of the respective committees. Their participation will be guided by experienced senior individuals from whom they will learn specialised technical and managerial skills. The results of these projects are undeniably positive, given that the company’s financial commitment is minor when weighed against the prospect of joining the mandatory committees of a public company. I am confident that this project presents a remarkable opportunity for everyone involved.

What are some of the main trends impacting the industry sector you work in in Italy? 

Bialetti is developing its market in the Italy-based production and sale of coffee. For the next two to four years, strong growth is expected, in terms of public interest, research and development, around this beverage. In particular, the development of cold coffee drinks, coffee-based energy drinks and coffee-based health drinks seem set to grow exponentially. The sheer volume of ‘healthy’ and functional coffee drinks has increased in recent years, and it is set to grow further. One such trend is ‘beauty-boosting’ coffee variants. These may contain additional ingredients such as probiotics, collagen, vitamins, CBD and matcha.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company? 

Being responsible for drafting the Non-Financial Declaration, I consider the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) one of the most important tools for general counsel to be able to influence corporate decisions, bringing added value that is useful to the community, corporate and otherwise. In the last two years Bialetti, thanks to the inclusion of a younger team that is sensitive to ESG issues, has developed a series of important steps towards reducing emissions at an industrial level and in favour of employee wellbeing. I would like to add, Bialetti represents the absolute greenest way to drink good coffee, through the Moka (ground coffee, water and washing only with water and no soap).

How do you stay updated on the evolving regulatory landscape in Italy and ensure compliance with domestic laws, EU regulations, and industry-specific regulations? 

I consider print media to be my primary source of updates and as such I read Sole24ore and other technical magazines daily. I am also a member of AIGI – Associazione Italiana Giuristi di Impresa (Italian Association of Company Lawyers), an association that organises regulatory updates and daily empirical comparisons with other general counsels on the way they are dealing with new regulations within their company. I also utilise a lot of newsletters that I find very timely and that push you to explore further.

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, you are passionate about, and why? 

I am interested in international politics as well as international human and social movements. I read the magazine Internazionale very attentively and it allows me to put into perspective the impact of domestic issues. It gives me a broader view of life. 


Andrea Sellini - Italy 2024

Group legal manager | Bialetti Industrie

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Andrea Sellini

Group legal manager

Bialetti Industrie

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