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Italy 2023


Simona Musso

Group general counsel | Lavazza Group


Italy 2023

Recommended Individual

Simona Musso

Group general counsel | Lavazza Group

Team size: 23 

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, you are passionate about, and why? 

I am passionate about people management because I believe it is essential for any organization, business-related or not. 

Further business objectives and people management influence employee well-being and satisfaction. Investing in continuous knowledge, growth prospects, and open communication, makes a positive workplace culture and benefits both the organisation and the community. Effective leadership and support can support people reach their greatest potential, fostering a positive work environment, and promoting teamwork. Success hinges on the people behind it, and when they feel appreciated and encouraged, productivity and overall performance improve. Ultimately, people management empowers individuals and contributes to business success while providing the overall welfare of employees.  


Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense? 

In 2021, we introduced a legal operations function within the Legal Department to improve our overall efficiency and effectiveness. By adopting this strategic method, we aimed to simplify legal processes, optimize internal resources, and leverage technology solutions to better serve our internal stakeholders.  

The legal operations function played a crucial role in implementing best practices, managing projects, handling deadlines, and developing legal technology to improve our working abilities. This approach permitted us to manage risks more efficiently, make informed decisions, and handle legal matters more effectively. 

By integrating legal operations into our structure, we were able to make significant improvements in project delivery, especially during M&A transactions. This enabled us to transform our organization into a more agile and project-driven team. 


How would you assess the impact of new technologies on the legal landscape in Italy, and what measures would you propose to leverage these technologies while ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations? 

The introduction of new technologies has greatly impacted Italy’s legal landscape, bringing about both opportunities and challenges. Digitalisation has improved legal processes, making them more efficient and increasing access to legal information. However, it has also raised concerns regarding data privacy, cybersecurity, and the possibility of certain legal professions becoming obsolete. 


To leverage these technologies while ensuring compliance, several measures should be considered, such as: the importance of having collaboration between legal experts and tech specialists to create effective solutions; establishing clear guidelines and regulations specific to legal tech adoption can serve as a framework for responsible usage; regular assessments and updates to adapt to evolving technological advancements are essential; boosting digital literacy among legal professionals; and the public can facilitate a smoother transition and a better comprehension of the advantages and hazards of these advancements. 

Ultimately, it is crucial to maintain a balance between innovation and compliance to maximize technology’s positive impact in the legal domain. 



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