Gian Maria Esposito – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2023

Information technology

Gian Maria Esposito

General counsel | TeamSystem


Italy 2023

Recommended Individual

Gian Maria Esposito

General counsel | TeamSystem

Team size: 12

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense? 

We have recently redesigned the organisation of our team by creating new roles and responsibilities and pushing people to work on matters outside their respective areas of expertise. New projects and goals give team members enthusiasm, allowing them to start a new professional life cycle and giving the company the opportunity to benefit from their new energy.

Can you foresee any key developments to the way general counsel work over the next five years? 

My answer is probably obvious to many, but management software and AI are game changers. General counsel will have to understand quickly how best to adapt to them with a responsible approach.

What are some of the main trends impacting the industry sector you work in in Italy? 

The main trend is the digitisation of the entire European economic system. The digitisation of SMEs, professionals and public administration is our mission as a group, and we fully benefit from the digitisation trend.

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, you are passionate about, and why? 

I believe that climate change will have a strong impact on our entire social and economic system. I have three children and I am very concerned about their future, so I am constantly informing myself about possible technological solutions to this problem. 



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