Maria Cosma – GC Powerlist
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Greece and Cyprus 2023

Transport and infrastructure

Maria Cosma

Senior manager legal affairs and company secretary | Hermes Airports


Greece and Cyprus 2023

Recommended Individual

Maria Cosma

Senior manager legal affairs and company secretary | Hermes Airports

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?  

We had been facing a number of competition law issues, some of which led to complaints being filed. This made the organisation reluctant to proceed with certain projects even though they would increase revenue.  

To deal with this, we prepared alongside a consultancy firm specialising in the economics of competition law, a Competition Law Compliance Manual containing practical examples and guidelines on anti-competitive agreements and concerted practices, competition law infringement risks in the context of exchange of confidential information, and on abuse of dominant position and abuse of relationship of economic dependence. The purpose of the manual was to train employees on the basic principles of the new Cyprus Competition Law and provide them with practical examples and guidance to assist them in compliance, thus offering the organisation protection against competition law infringements.  

Two animated videos showing practical examples and guidelines were also prepared. The manual was presented to all employees, with the two videos, available to all employees through our intranet. This action was greatly appreciated by employees and has not only supported one of the main strategic goals of the organisation – increase revenue – but has also improved the way that the legal team operates internally and with other departments.  


What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in? 

Recent notable projects include legal work related to the solar power installations at Larnaka and Pafos International Airports, which will cover 28 percent of the annual energy needs of the airports, making a significant contribution to our organisation’s goal of further reducing its environmental footprint. Another significant project was the commercial agreement reached with the Republic of Cyprus for a shared incentive scheme to airlines from 2022 to 2027, designed to attract airlines with the aim of achieving a long-term flight operation to Cyprus.  


How important is choosing to work with external lawyers who align with your company’s values? Are you likely to reconsider what firms you work with based on this?  

Our vision, mission, strategic priorities, and core values are the pillars upon which our success is built. Our values describe “who” Hermes Airports is, our beliefs and principles. They are reflected in our day-to-day interactions with each other, our business partners, and our customers, and are central to everything we do.  

Choosing to work with external lawyers who align with our values is of utmost importance; it is the only way to ensure that we obtain effective assistance in achieving the organisation’s objectives. If a firm we work with diverges from our company’s values we would definitely take action.  

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