Ralph Lauren APAC Legal Team – GC Powerlist
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Hong Kong Teams 2023

Consumer products

Ralph Lauren APAC Legal Team

| Ralph Lauren


Hong Kong Teams 2023


Recommended Team

Ralph Lauren

Team size: 11

Key team members: Shih-Jern Liang (international general counsel), Judy Chow, Dennis To and Ruby Yung

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

In the past year, the legal team has provided strong legal guidance to Ralph Lauren as the company navigated the post-pandemic era. Ralph Lauren has continued on its ambitious growth plan (particularly in Greater China) and the legal team supported the opening of over 40 new stores throughout the Asia Pacific region, including several new emblematic stores, which incorporate Ralph Lauren’s new hospitality business line (cafés and bar) in Shenzhen, Chengdu, Singapore and Sydney.

From a corporate perspective, the legal team worked on the buyback of Ralph Lauren’s home business line from the licensee in Japan and several complex tax structuring projects. In terms of employment matters, the legal team advised on the reorganisation of the workforce in line with the company’s evolving strategy.

In addition, the legal team vigorously led Ralph Lauren’s brand enforcement efforts throughout the region, obtaining significant judgments and recoveries through investigations and actions in relation to counterfeit goods and trademark infringement. Two such cases were selected to receive awards due to their importance.

Can you sum up the team culture in one sentence?

A warm and collaborative culture and a united team mindset with individual empowerment and accountability. The APAC legal team adopts a very flat organisational structure – all team members have close camaraderie amongst themselves and readily offer to help each other with work. Each lawyer is given a high degree of autonomy (with accountability) in handling work and dealing with the business teams.

Apart from legal matters, has the team worked on other company initiatives?

Compliance and data privacy regulatory matters come under the scope of the legal team. In addition, members of the legal team support and volunteer for various company initiatives including those relating to mentoring (for example, volunteering as mentors for junior employees from other departments), diversity, equity and inclusion (for example, speaking on panels during awareness campaigns) and ESG (for example, volunteering for a coastal clean-up activity).

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