Huan Duc Nguyen – GC Powerlist
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Vietnam 2023

Industrials and real estate

Huan Duc Nguyen

Head of legal and compliance | WHA Vietnam


Vietnam 2023

Recommended Individual

Huan Duc Nguyen

Head of legal and compliance | WHA Vietnam

Team size: Five

What are the most significant cases and transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Recently, our company executed several agreements with big customers, including some of the world’s leading electronics manufacturers. The conclusion of these agreements exemplifies the recognition of MNCs in the quality and sustainability of our industrial parks in Vietnam, which benefit from our 35 years of experience in providing world-class industrial estates in Thailand. Moreover, the fact that these significant agreements have been tailored to meet each customer’s high expectations within tight schedules, while preserving our company’s core values, highlights the versatility of our team members in the Legal and Compliance Department collaborating with customers’ lawyers and in-house counsels from multiple jurisdictions in concluding the deals.

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

Cloud-based platforms are now commonly seen in many companies, and we are working with the IT team to utilise the company’s available cloud-based platform to create a forum where all team members can regularly engage in debates on various topics, both work-related and non-work-related, but under the lens of a legal counsel. Each member takes the initiative to lead a debate by introducing the topic and providing preliminary analyses, either as a supporter or an opposer, and welcomes opinions and arguments from others. Despite our busy working schedules, the debates are enjoyed by our members, as they bring forth interesting ideas and novel angles of viewpoints on the discussed topics. This, in turn, sharpens the skills necessary for the career of in-house counsel.

How do you see the general counsel role evolving in Vietnam over the next five-ten years?

In the future, a typical general counsel in Vietnam may find themselves tasked with additional duties that go beyond the ordinary legal aspects. For example, the general counsel may receive requests from the CEO or the chairman of the Board to provide comments on the company’s strategic plan for new projects or products. Currently, the general counsel’s feedback may primarily focus on legal aspects. However, in the next decade, the general counsel may need to function as a think-tanker to produce more sophisticated analyses, anticipating issues that may arise and could have long-lasting impacts on or be innovative to the business.

A couple of decades ago, the popularity of personal computers and the widespread availability of the internet redefined the ordinary course of business for many corporations. History may repeat itself in the next five to ten years with the development and application of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI).

What are some of the main trends impacting your industry in Vietnam?

Given the commitment of the Government of Vietnam to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, manufacturing companies inside industrial parks are now seeking solutions, such as transitioning to green energy. Industrial parks in Vietnam must be well-prepared for such a transition and, in fact, should participate in facilitating it. In Vietnam, we have WHAUP, a flagship of the WHA Group that provides utilities and power solutions, which can assist our customers in formulating and implementing green energy transition plans. Another emerging trend is the growing adoption of AI-powered software and applications to streamline the workflow for preparing and reviewing legal contracts and documents.

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