Christophe Dickès – GC Powerlist
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France 2016

Christophe Dickès

global copyright director - reputation intelligence | Kantar Media


France 2016

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Christophe Dickès

global copyright director - reputation intelligence | Kantar Media


Learned in Political Science and History of Media, Christophe Dickès started his journey with Press Index, a technology leader in media watch and monitoring, in 1999. Building his career towards data management and copyright law, Dickès evolved to cater for the international market when the company was bought by Kantar Media in 2012. His successful juggling of challenges of the absence of rights management in some countries or, conversely, the very strict management of copyrights in other countries brought Dickès’ efforts into the limelight. He was elected Copyright Commissioner of two international federations namely the FIBEP (Fédération Internationale des Bureaux d’Extraits de Presse) and the AMEC (International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication). This appointment has led Dickès to work with European institutions in the development of a new directive on copyright at a European level. Organising summits allows him to convey the needs of the sector with politicians, debating the necessities of the industry. His tireless dedication to media does not end with legal, he has also made landmark impressions working as a publishing manager with Canal Académie for over seven years and has taught at numerous schools and universities. Dickès, in addition, indulges in journalism, having worked with several companies, such as Le Figaro and Robert Laffont for more than 17 years, an interest that he is still undertaking. At Kantar Media, Dickès creditable systematisation of copyright allows for him to represent a cost center for the sold products and has advanced the internal level of respect for copyright, making Kantar Media the only international company paying copyrights in all the countries it operates in. In certain jurisdictions Kantar now acts as a consultant on media. Dickès is pioneering an influential stance on the European laws aiming to overcome the fragmented world of European copyright law. ‘I must first of all defend an activity and an industry. Business and legal relationships with these rights holders are the heart of my profession’. Although not a corporate lawyer in the strictest sense, his work and skillset speak for themselves as those expected of a prominent in-house lawyer.

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