Anand Vardhan – GC Powerlist
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India 2023

Industrials and real estate

Anand Vardhan

President, legal | Piramal Capital and Housing Finance


India 2023

Recommended Individual

Anand Vardhan

President, legal | Piramal Capital and Housing Finance

Team size: 50+ ��


Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense? 

Supervising the set-up of legal tech platforms and adoption of software for litigation reporting, and a management system automating most of the back-end work and reporting tasks significantly freed up bandwidth and resources for the team. 

The team is in discussions with various vendors for adoption of AI powered software packages that will ensure faster TAT and completion of diligence processes. We are also focusing extensively on forensic diligences on counterparties (as part of enhanced diligences). For this purpose, besides relying on external vendors, we are keen to adopt AI powered tools that will enable complete analysis on counterparty and reputational risks for Piramal.    


What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in? 

Post-acquisition of erstwhile DHFL portfolio; a recovery exercise of more than ₹5000 of loans involving multiple NCLT proceedings and OTS with various counterparties. It included supervising a loan down-sell exercise of about ₹3000 of stressed loans to ARC through Swiss Challenge and related legal documentation thereto as per RBI norms.  

We also played a pivotal role in the winding up of various real estate funds in the group, as their tenures had expired, and SEBI norms required immediate liquidation.  


If you had to give advice to an aspiring in-house lawyer or general counsel, what would it be and why?  

For in-house lawyers and counsel, developing a deep understanding of the underlying business is the key. This will allow the provision of tailored solutions, suited to the company’s needs. 

Secondly, having a strong professional network within the legal community will provide valuable insights and keep oneself aware of latest developments in the market. 

Thirdly, develop problem solving skills, strong communication skills and strive to find practical solutions to legal challenges that align with the company’s objectives. It is also important to keep learning throughout your career in order to enhance capability.  

Anand Vardhan - India 2022

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Anand Vardhan - India 2016

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