Denisse Becerra – GC Powerlist
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Miami 2024


Denisse Becerra

General counsel and chief compliance officer | PayJoy


Miami 2024

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Denisse Becerra

General counsel and chief compliance officer | PayJoy

Legal team size: ten 

During the past year, what are your teams’ proudest accomplishments? 

Over the past year, we navigated through a myriad of challenges, particularly within the dynamic landscape of the fintech industry. In response to the demanding macro environment, our adaptability and ingenuity were put to the test. Amidst this backdrop, I successfully spearheaded the formation of a highly efficient legal and compliance team that played a pivotal role in enhancing our financial performance. 

Operating within this audacious environment, the team exhibited creativity by strategically re-engineering our business model across diverse countries, resulting in a substantial boost to our unit economics. Simultaneously, we meticulously ensured legal compliance across all jurisdictions, meticulously adhering to regulatory requirements in each market we operate in. This concerted effort not only fortified our standing in the industry but also contributed significantly to the positive trajectory of our bottom line. 


What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024? 

In 2024, we are gearing up for a year defined by consolidations. As a cohesive team, our primary focus lies in streamlining processes, refining policies, and optimizing methodologies. Concurrently, we remain proactive in identifying opportunities to take an “offensive” stance, actively engaging in value creation initiatives.  

The intricacies of overseeing operations across multiple countries demand a heightened level of discipline and precision. We recognise the importance of aligning our efforts towards consolidating our internal frameworks while staying agile and innovative in our approach to capitalise on strategic opportunities for growth and value generation. This dual commitment to consolidation and offensive strategies positions us for a year of substantial achievements and sustained success 


 Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about? 

My commitment to fostering gender equality in the workplace is unwavering. Over the course of my 30-year professional journey, I’ve witnessed a notable increase in awareness regarding gender disparities, leading to improvements in companies’ compensation policies. Despite this progress, there remains a substantial amount of work ahead. 

A particular passion of mine is mentoring young women professionals, empowering them to discover and assert their voices in the professional arena. I am dedicated to supporting and guiding these emerging talents, encouraging them to demand and secure their rightful “place at the table.” By actively engaging in mentorship, I aim to contribute to the ongoing transformation of workplace dynamics, creating a more inclusive and equitable environment for all. 

Denisse Becerra - Miami 2022

General counsel and chief compliance officer | PayJoy

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