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France 2016

Sophie Saden

general counsel | Astorg Partners


France 2016

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Sophie Saden

general counsel | Astorg Partners

Sophie Saden - France 2018

Group general counsel | Astorg

Astorg Partners is a private equity group with over €4bn worth of assets under its management, and is a pan-European operation with offices located in Paris, London and Luxembourg. Group...

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As general counsel, Sophie Saden has responsibility for the legal aspects of fundraising at Astorg Partners, a private equity fund with offices in Paris, London and Luxembourg. Saden participates on acquisitions and divestitures, works on all regulatory aspects of the alternative investment fund managers (AIFM) company, and handles human resources issues while balancing the day-to-day legal activity of the fund. Considering the nature of the business, Saden is at the heart of regulatory change in the industry and steers Astorg through the frequent changes in legal landscape. Overcoming the challenges of change and initial development she created the AIFM management company in Luxembourg in an expedited time period. Being part of the legal committee of the AFIC (Association of French Investors) over a number of years has been a boon for Saden, allowing her to participate in the development of regulations and comment on their impact on the industry. It has also allowed her to be ahead of the game, this in turn has assisted her when advising Astorg on developments. ‘Changes in regulations over the last 10 years have been very significant. It is particularly difficult to keep current’. With a strong relationship with the management, Saden is called into discussions early on during new projects and is in charge of dealing with investors who prefer auditing before investing. ‘I consider myself lucky to participate in the development and evolution of the company I work for. This is often a challenge and workload is growing every year, but it is infinitely rewarding’.

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