Dr. Cyrille de Crozals – GC Powerlist
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Luxembourg 2024


Dr. Cyrille de Crozals

Head of legal | Bank Julius Baer Europe


Luxembourg 2024


Recommended Individual

Dr. Cyrille de Crozals

Head of legal | Bank Julius Baer Europe

Team size: Five 


First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently? 

Recently, my team successfully handled a series of complex legal cases, demonstrating exceptional expertise and dedication. This included providing strategic legal advice, negotiating settlements, and ensuring optimal outcomes for our clients. The team’s commitment to excellence truly shone through in these recent cases. As the European hub of our Swiss group, we have successfully established several branches in other European countries and look forward to setting up further branches in the EU in the future so that our company can advise our clients as effectively as possible on financial matters. My team acts very successfully as the central legal department for the colleagues of Bank Julius Baer Europe and its branches and is available to our group headquarters in Switzerland for legal matters including data protection queries. Through our close cooperation with committees of the Luxembourg Bankers’ Association “ABBL” and the Luxembourg Banking and Financial Law Association “ALJB,” we have been able to clarify numerous issues arising from current Luxembourg and European legislation for and with lawyers and banks in Luxembourg. 


What particular industry trends are you seeing in the legal sector in Luxembourg? 

In Luxembourg’s legal sector, I see a notable trend towards increased emphasis on data protection and cybersecurity compliance. With the evolving digital landscape, Luxembourg law firms and legal departments of Luxembourg companies are actively adapting to the growing importance of safeguarding sensitive information in a GDPR compliant manner. Additionally, there’s a rising interest in sustainable and socially responsible legal practices. Many Luxembourg companies are incorporating environmental, social, and governance considerations into their legal strategies, aligning with global efforts towards sustainability. Furthermore, the digitalisation of legal processes and the adoption of legal tech tools are gaining momentum, streamlining operations, and enhancing efficiency within companies in Luxembourg and abroad. The topic of cloud outsourcing is playing an increasingly important role here and it is the task of Luxembourg companies’ legal departments, among others, to ensure that this is done in a GDPR compliant manner. 


What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why?  

A cause that I care about is supporting sustainable businesses that prioritise environmental conservation and ethical practices. I am proud to work in a company that is very committed to environmental issues and that considers employee diversity to be a great advantage. We should use the digital opportunities available to us (for example, artificial intelligence) to make the world’s working methods as effective and environmentally friendly as possible. Lawyers can also make an important contribution here by keeping what is technically possible within the law by providing legal advice and working in the relevant committees to ensure that legislators give new technologies a legal basis and support. 

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