Raffaele Zucca Alessandrelli – GC Powerlist
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Luxembourg 2024

Information technology

Raffaele Zucca Alessandrelli

Global executive vice president, group general counsel, chief compliance officer and board member | Docler Holding/Docler Group


Luxembourg 2024


Recommended Individual

Raffaele Zucca Alessandrelli

Global executive vice president, group general counsel, chief compliance officer and board member | Docler Holding/Docler Group

Team size: 30+ 


First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently? 

We coordinate the legal, corporate governance, compliance, and risk management activities of a diversified group of companies engaged in different fields including IT, media, sport, and real estate. 

Recently, we have been involved in several acquisitions in the IT and real estate fields, and we are working on the development and consolidation of global corporate governance, risk management and compliance programmes. 


What particular industry trends are you seeing in the legal sector in Luxembourg? 

In Luxembourg, it is currently difficulty to hire good legal professionals, both in law firms and in companies. 

Further, there is an increasing need of temporary legal solutions. 


What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why? 

I care about integrity and transparency in doing business, as I believe this is the only way to succeed. 

Profits and results are important, but how you achieve them ensures sustainability and durability. 

I care about trust and people, as I believe great companies are made of good people and trust. 

Raffaele Zucca Alessandrelli - Benelux 2023

Group executive vice president, global general counsel, chief compliance officer, and managing director | Docler Holding Luxembourg

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Raffaele Zucca Alessandrelli

Group executive vice president, global general counsel, chief compliance officer, and managing director

Docler Holding Luxembourg

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