Katarzyna Kuszewska – GC Powerlist
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Luxembourg 2024

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Katarzyna Kuszewska

Group head of legal, chair of the group executive committee | Solutions 30


Luxembourg 2024


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Katarzyna Kuszewska

Group head of legal, chair of the group executive committee | Solutions 30

First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently? 

Back in 2022, I was entrusted with the transformation plan of the group aiming at improving its governance framework, and I took over the lead of the governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) project. The objectives of the GRC project were to enhance the overall governance, strengthen the risk management and compliance procedures and to introduce a harmonised processes throughout the group. Ever since the implementation of the GRC, I have been working extensively, together with our teams, to ensure the proper roll out of the related policies and processes and to increase the awareness of all our employees and partners with respect to our governance program and compliance standards. As a result of the GRC, the group has a robust governance and compliance framework with dedicated teams working tirelessly to support the growth of the group and achieve its future goals. In particular, in a regulated environment, the above-mentioned measures ensure a good functioning and a structured development of the organisation as well as builds trust and stronger relationships with all stakeholders. I would like to take this occasion to give a big shout out to the legal, compliance and operational teams of our organisation for making sure that the new reinforced governance and compliance framework works and is effective! 


What particular industry trends are you seeing in the legal sector in Luxembourg? 

2023 was a year of many legal changes in Luxembourg with a number of laws being implemented and adopted. As a general counsel of a Luxembourg company listed on Euronext Paris with operations in several European jurisdictions, I find it interesting to see the focus shift towards ESG related topics, across the EU countries, resulting in a continuous internal monitoring of environmental, social, and governance impacts and risks and increasing ESG awareness of everyone involved. The introduction of more demanding ESG and related CSRD directive disclosure obligations requiring from the concerned companies a more detailed non-financial reporting ensures already enhanced transparency on those matters. For an investor nowadays, it is very useful to see the companies being publicly accountable for these topics and to have access to sustainability information aimed at encouraging responsible investments. 


What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why? 

I am a big advocate of good corporate governance within a company with a strong emphasis on equality, diversity, variety of competence and a gender-balanced representation among top management positions. Personally, I would like to see more women taking the board seats and executive positions and therefore I was happy to see the implementation of the Directive (EU) 2022/2381 on improving the gender balance among directors of listed companies, so called ‘’Women on Board’’ directive. Even though the Directive is only required to be transposed into the national law of a member state by the end of this year, listed companies should take action now and adjust their selection process for board appointments. So, I am looking forward to seeing how and to what extent the market reflects this requirement and how the companies bridge the gender gap on the C-level and boards appointments. 

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