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Switzerland 2024

Energy and utilities

Vincent Mohy

Chief legal and compliance officer | SOCAR Trading


Switzerland 2024

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Vincent Mohy

Chief legal and compliance officer | SOCAR Trading

Team size: 10  


How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

In times of instability or crises, we believe that legal strategy is crucial for the organisation’s resilience, offering a robust approach to handle challenges effectively. 

Our approach revolves around proactive risk assessment, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of potential legal implications in a volatile environment. This involves a meticulous examination of contractual obligations, legal and regulatory frameworks, and market dynamics to anticipate, identify and mitigate potential pitfalls. 

Communication is paramount during tumultuous times. We prioritise clear, transparent engagement with stakeholders, as we not only hope it instils confidence but also believe it allows for a collective response to emerging challenges.  

Strict adherence to compliance standards remains fundamental, providing a solid foundation for our operations and fostering trust among all interested parties. 

The alignment of legal strategies with broader business objectives is an integral part of our approach. Continuous monitoring of market conditions and the ability to adapt swiftly to evolving legal landscapes are central elements of this alignment. By doing so, we ensure that legal considerations are not just reactive measures but proactive contributors to the company’s strategic goals and well-being. 

The legal team, acting hand in hand with the compliance team, assumes a pivotal role as guardians of the company’s interests, upholding ethical standards in all endeavors.  

Beyond risk mitigation, we actively contribute to the overarching business strategy, offering legal insights that aid in maintaining stability and nurturing long-term resilience for the organisation, fortifying it against the uncertainties inherent in the commodities trading landscape. 


What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?  

In my role as the chief legal and compliance officer of a commodities trading company, I am keenly aware of how new technologies are changing the game for us in the legal and commodities trading fields.  

Technologies like artificial intelligence and automation are set to make our legal processes smoother and improve the way we handle contracts as much as the way we handle dispute resolutions. Automation continues to influence the way we operate. Another game-changer is blockchain. 

To keep up with these technological changes, we prioritise ongoing education, discussions, and collaboration with legal and technology experts. This approach is crucial to make sure our legal team stays abreast of the latest advancements. We want to adapt our practices to match the ever-changing landscape.  

By keeping a finger on the pulse of technology, we not only stay time and cost efficient in legal matters, but also foster an environment of innovation within our legal framework. It is all about ensuring that we are not left behind and can make the most of what technology has to offer in the dynamic world of commodities trading. 






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