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Peru 2024

Food, beverages and tobacco

Carlos Alberto Callirgos Paz

Legal manager | Ajinomoto del Perú


Peru 2024

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Carlos Alberto Callirgos Paz

Legal manager | Ajinomoto del Perú

Team size: Five

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

When we encounter a problem with legal or commercial implications and require a strategy to address it, in addition to defining a team and allocating time and resources to achieve efficiency, we start by employing a tool that combines the analysis of various aspects – legal, financial, commercial, and reputational, among others. We call it “STPD.” In summary, it begins by visualising the problem or problems (See), followed by analysing the main or core issue (Think) to address it and provide a solution by measuring the risk or impact. Subsequently, we define a plan (Plan), and finally, we execute it (Do).

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

As part of the Ajinomoto Share Value (ASV), my company has adopted several measures to reduce environmental impact and promote a sustainable society. For example, we have been ISO14001 certified since 2006 for environmental care. Additionally, we operate a waste treatment plant effluent (BDN), implement waste segregation practices, and use natural gas throughout our entire production process.

Moreover, we have a line of liquid fertilisers that are marketed to agro-industrial companies. These companies, in turn, supply us with inputs such as sugar cane, with which we close the biocycle of nature.

We also have medium and long-term objectives linked to the sustainability of our products, such as “Zero Plastic Waste.” In all the cases and projects mentioned above, I have participated in analysing their regulatory framework, risks, feasibility, and execution to ensure legal compliance.

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?

Technology in this era of knowledge, specifically in the digital world, has been evolving very quickly, even with more agility than many organisations or companies are prepared for. This is why it is urgent to adapt quickly to minimise this impact. The premise is that the greatest challenge lies not in the technology itself, but rather in working to develop competent and disruptive professionals. In this case, lawyers who are well-informed, technologically skilled, flexible, innovative, and capable leaders are needed. They should be able to adapt easily, interpret trends, analyse situations, innovate, apply solutions on the fly, assume new roles, and effectively lead teams, among other essential qualities.

Emerging technologies, such as new digital platforms, artificial intelligence, electronic commerce, digital transformation, electronic money, robotics, augmented reality, various communication modalities, and even computer crimes, among others, will lead to the disappearance of many professions and businesses as we know them today. These developments will undoubtedly impact the legal profession and the industries in which it operates. Therefore, today’s lawyers must be extremely talented and highly trained to effectively combine the management of new technologies with soft skills and legal technical knowledge. This enables them to anticipate the potential negative impacts of technology and align with the evolving needs of the modern world.

In my case, I am focused on continually updating and training myself in legal aspects, soft skills, and technological tools. Specifically, in 2023, I completed a Senior Management Program titled “CEO: Excellence in Business Management,” offered by the Business School of the Universidad del Pacífico.

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Carlos Alberto Callirgos Paz

Legal manager

Ajinomoto del Perú

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