Jose Enrique Frías Amat y León – GC Powerlist
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Peru 2024

Commercial and professional services

Jose Enrique Frías Amat y León

Corporate legal manager | Grupo Intercorp


Peru 2024

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Jose Enrique Frías Amat y León

Corporate legal manager | Grupo Intercorp

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

During periods of instability, my main concern is providing calm and hope to my team. Times of crises bring great opportunities and if you have the appropriate dose of empathy and hard work, you can achieve great results.

Regarding the company’s direct interest, our team’s moto is being enablers and custodians of Intercorp’s success. One role without the other is worthless, and this applies in times of calm and times of volatility.

The legal strategy is always aligned with the broader business strategy; in fact, we, as a legal team, do not deem it possible to have a strategy different to the one that the corporation has. We are permanently in coordination with the other teams of the company and have a consensual approach to all matters. This is easy since we are all guided by the company’s purpose, which is making Peru the best place to raise a family.

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?

Without a doubt, there has been a change in the way the legal industry operates, and by saying this, I am referring not to the future, but to the present. Generative AI has opened a door that cannot be closed, and we can (and are) taking advantage of it at different levels.

Automated drafting systems, chat interactions similar to ChatGPT with current and past agreements, automated redlining based on past practices, among others, are services currently being provided in a very satisfactory manner. By stating this, I am not suggesting that machines will replace lawyers, but they will undoubtedly make the work significantly more efficient in terms of time and money. I think that in the near future, the first two or three interactions of a negotiation process will be facilitated by AI.

In order to stay updated, we engage in continuous training, attending conferences, taking online and in-person courses, and following leaders in the field, among other activities. We focus not only on what is happening in our region, but primarily in the US and Europe. This learning process encompasses not only the legal aspects of these services but also the technological and business-related parts of it.

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?

Having a diverse team is no longer just a nice-to-have for us; it is a must-have. Having a diverse and balanced team is not only fair but also efficient. Our team is balanced in terms of gender and age, and we also seek professionals from various backgrounds. As a relatively small team of eight, our lawyers hail from four different universities, a common occurrence in Peru.

To maintain this situation, we undergo a thorough and elaborate hiring process in order to hire the best talent. Additionally, we promote the option of working from home for our lawyers, if they prefer it, and offer flexibility to ensure all members of our team can achieve a balanced life.

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