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Peru 2024

Materials and mining

Luis Miguel Arce

Manager, public, corporate and legal affairs | Hudbay Perú


Peru 2024

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Luis Miguel Arce

Manager, public, corporate and legal affairs | Hudbay Perú

Team size: Three lawyers and two interns. I am also the manager of other areas of corporate and public affairs; in those other areas, I have 36 people under my charge.

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

First and foremost, it is imperative to identify the nature of the crisis at hand. Crises can be reputational, operational, political, or legal in nature, and the approach to addressing them varies accordingly. For instance, in the case of a reputational crisis, the communication strategy towards stakeholders needs to be carefully crafted, often prioritising the interests of the affected groups over legal jargon. Such communications should not be overly legalistic in tone to ensure they are accessible and appropriate for the audience concerned.

Conversely, when facing a legal crisis, such as a significant lawsuit or regulatory order, the role of the legal team becomes paramount. In these situations, all communications must be closely aligned with the legal strategy to achieve the desired outcome. This alignment is crucial for ensuring that we navigate through periods of instability with a coherent and effective strategy.

Additionally, the company has developed a comprehensive crisis manual and established a crisis committee, of which I serve as the coordinator. This committee plays a crucial role in our crisis response strategy, and we conduct annual training sessions to ensure that all team members are well-prepared and aligned with our crisis management protocols. These measures further solidify our readiness and ability to respond effectively to any crisis, ensuring the organisation’s ongoing resilience and stability.

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?

At Hudbay, our guiding principle is succinctly captured in our purpose statement: “We care about our people, our communities, and our planet.” This ethos is not just a slogan but a deeply ingrained mantra that directs all our activities.

As the legal manager, my role is pivotal in ensuring that all Hudbay Peru’s rules, including policies and procedures, are in strict alignment with this guiding principle. I am endowed with significant autonomy to propose and implement initiatives that further reinforce our commitment to sustainability. I oversee the legal, ethical, and social compliance system using specialised software to ensure the company adheres to relevant regulations, aligning with industry best practices and our organisational goals. Like other departments within the company, the legal team employs technology in our activities and consistently assesses innovations to serve the best interests of the business.

Additionally, I place a strong emphasis on providing training and education to foster a better organisational culture aligned with our purpose. This involves developing and delivering comprehensive training programmes that not only educate our employees about legal and regulatory requirements but also instil a sense of responsibility towards sustainable practices. By embedding sustainability into our corporate learning and development agenda, we empower our workforce to make decisions that reflect our commitment to our people, communities, and planet.

In practical terms, this has led to the integration of sustainability practices into our core business operations in several ways. For instance, we actively pursue environmental stewardship through rigorous compliance with environmental laws, adopting industry best practices, and leveraging technology to reduce our ecological footprint. Furthermore, we are committed to fostering positive community relations by engaging in transparent dialogue with local communities, respecting cultural values, and investing in community development projects that align with their needs.

How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?

Within the legal department, we prioritise diversity and inclusion as a core element of our operational ethos. Currently, we are spearheading two significant initiatives that exemplify our commitment to this cause. Firstly, we have established a scholarship program targeted at students from underprivileged backgrounds who aspire to pursue professional careers, including law. For these scholars, our legal team takes a hands-on approach, providing guidance, feedback, and support to ensure their academic and professional development. This mentorship aspect is particularly rewarding, as it allows us to directly contribute to the growth and empowerment of future legal professionals.

Secondly, under the ‘work for taxes’ mechanism, we are collaborating with the Ministry of Justice on a project worth approximately US$1.3mn. This initiative aims to enhance free legal services for communities in the socio-economically challenged province of Chumbivilcas in southern Peru. By improving access to legal services, we are not only addressing immediate legal needs but also contributing to the broader goal of social justice and equity.

Both initiatives reflect our deep commitment to diversity and inclusion. They not only provide immediate benefits to individuals and communities but also align with our broader mission to create a more inclusive and equitable society. As a legal department, we are continuously looking for ways to expand and deepen our impact in this critical area.

Luis Miguel Arce - Peru 2018

Legal manager | Hudbay Peru

Most recently promoted in 2016, Luis Miguel Arce is the legal manager and assumes the role of head of the legal department at Hudbay Peru, the Peruvian subsidiary of Canadian...

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