Carlos M. Gómez de la Torre – GC Powerlist
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Peru 2024

Industrials and real estate

Carlos M. Gómez de la Torre

Corporate general counsel | Real Plaza


Peru 2024

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Carlos M. Gómez de la Torre

Corporate general counsel | Real Plaza

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?

In the dynamic environment of Peru, at Real Plaza, a shopping mall administrator, we acknowledge the inherent legal complexities of the political, economic, and business situations in Peru. To effectively navigate these challenges, we have adopted a proactive and collaborative approach to legal management directly aligned with its broader business and operational objectives. At the heart of this strategy lies proactive risk identification. Our legal team monitors the legal and regulatory landscape, anticipating potential issues related to regulatory changes, political, or social instability. This foresight enables early intervention and effective communication, allowing us to promptly address issues, maintain transparent communication with stakeholders, and develop flexible and adaptable legal strategies that evolve with changing circumstances.

Moreover, at Real Plaza, we emphasise close collaboration between legal and business teams, ensuring seamless integration of legal strategies with overall business goals. This collaborative spirit extends to community engagement as well. At Real Plaza, we actively interact with industry groups, gaining a comprehensive understanding of legal changes and navigating them effectively.

By prioritising these elements, we can achieve several key objectives. Mitigating legal risks minimises costly disputes and disruptions to business operations. Safeguarding brand reputation through regulatory compliance and responsible conduct helps build public trust, especially crucial during unstable periods. Ensuring business continuity is facilitated by adaptable legal strategies and clear communication, allowing the company to operate smoothly even in challenging circumstances.

What emerging technologies do you see as having the most significant impact on the legal profession in the near future, and how do you stay updated on these developments?

Peru’s legal profession, both in-house and within law firms, stands to be significantly impacted by emerging technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise legal research by enabling the efficient analysis of vast amounts of data. Legal chatbots can provide basic information, answer frequently asked questions, and automate routine tasks, thereby freeing up lawyers to focus on complex cases. Additionally, while its full implementation may be a way off, blockchain technology holds promise for streamlining contract management, verifying property ownership, and enhancing transparency in legal processes.

To navigate this shift, staying updated is crucial. Attending legal tech conferences, subscribing to relevant publications, and engaging with online communities can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities. Even with potential resource constraints, Peru’s legal professionals can leverage free online resources and consider adopting these technologies when possible to improve the efficiency, accessibility, and affordability of legal services for all.

In your opinion, what are the main trends that are salient in your country currently?

Peru’s shopping malls business navigates a complex landscape of growth, challenges, and evolving legal trends, mirroring broader national dynamics. A recovering economy fuels expansion and attracts international brands, while online shopping necessitates omnichannel strategies. Formalisation efforts, competition from online retailers and neighbouring countries, and potential instability pose significant challenges.

Recent legislation emphasises consumer protection, potentially impacting retailers’ costs. Similarly, efforts to formalise the informal sector could influence vendor presence and brand diversity within malls. While open-market policies exist, navigating bureaucratic hurdles remains an obstacle, and adapting to these intertwined trends, both legal and national, will be crucial for the sustained success of Peru’s shopping malls industry.

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