Yiğitcan Bozoğlu – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Transport and infrastructure

Yiğitcan Bozoğlu

Chief legal and compliance officer | Aras Kargo


Türkiye 2024


Recommended Individual

Yiğitcan Bozoğlu

Chief legal and compliance officer | Aras Kargo

Team size: Ten

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Our legal team has been pivotal in orchestrating and navigating significant cases and transactions that have propelled our company forward. Noteworthy achievements include the acquisition of a parcel delivery company in Azerbaijan, marking a strategic expansion and establishing our presence in global services. This venture has significantly enhanced our market position and served as a bridge for Turkish e-retailers.

Furthermore, we have successfully negotiated a third-term collective bargaining agreement with the union, demonstrating our commitment to fostering positive labour relations. Our venture into establishing a professional women’s volleyball club introduced us to new legal challenges, which we have tackled with enthusiasm. Additionally, our tech company subsidiary has been instrumental in exporting core business software globally, engaging in transactions that navigate the complexities of various international environments.

What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024?

As we advance into 2024, our team is guided by strategic priorities that emphasise innovation, efficiency, and stringent compliance. A key initiative is the introduction of a digital legal front desk, designed to revolutionise the tracking and management of legal requests. This system will analyse, standardise, and enhance our processes, driving operational excellence.

Moreover, we are establishing a compliance program supported by a dedicated compliance team. This program encompasses the introduction of advanced policies and procedures aimed at mitigating risks, promoting ethical business practices, and ensuring comprehensive regulatory compliance. This initiative reflects our unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and responsibility in all our business operations.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

I am passionate about the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in reshaping legal practices within the business sector. My enthusiasm lies in exploring how AI can be leveraged to not only automate and streamline legal processes but also to provide predictive insights that can guide strategic business decisions. This includes the use of AI in contract analysis, risk assessment, and compliance monitoring, which can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of legal operations. Furthermore, the ethical application of AI in legal practices presents an opportunity to redefine the boundaries of legal advice and client service.

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Yiğitcan Bozoğlu

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