Buse Pınar Kaçar – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Consumer products

Buse Pınar Kaçar

Chief legal counsel | Bayraktar Group


Türkiye 2024


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Buse Pınar Kaçar

Chief legal counsel | Bayraktar Group

Team size:  Five

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

In 2023, my transition to a new role within Bayraktar Group presented a unique set of challenges. Assuming the position previously held by the esteemed chief legal counsel, who dedicated 32 years to the company, was both an honour and a significant responsibility. Moving from higher education back into the industry sector demanded swift familiarisation with our business operations. Despite the steep learning curve, I approached the endeavour with determination, aiming to navigate the dynamic industry landscape while upholding the standards set by my predecessor.

Due to the dynamics of our country, we wake up to a new challenge every morning, because it is highly possible that you may not be able to do what you do with a new regulation published in the Official Gazette overnight. At this point, as a lawyer, you may need to look from different perspectives and produce legal alternatives on how the work can be done while trying to maintain full compliance with the regulations. To put it metaphorically, you need to find a legal way to enter the sea but not get wet.

One significant challenge in 2023 was managing the renewal phase of the Union Agreement within our sector. This biennial process significantly impacts our listed companies, necessitating meticulous attention to detail and adept handling to ensure favourable outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024?

Without a doubt, this year’s guiding compass will be Corporate Sustainability and ESG, given the increasingly recognised and vital importance of environmental, social, and governance factors in driving long-term success and resilience in a rapidly evolving global landscape for all companies.

In our Holding Companies, our workforce spans diverse age groups, from 20 to 60 years old. Harmonising collaboration between different generations is essential, along with upholding labour peace in accordance with regulations. Collaborating closely with Human Resources enables us to safeguard legal interests while enhancing the employee experience. By embracing global best practices and offering flexibility, we aim to foster an inclusive work environment conducive to success.

Looking ahead to 2024, our strategic priorities will also revolve around understanding and adapting to the legal implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). With the recent adoption of the EU AI Act, integrating it into domestic law and aligning our practices, especially in R&D and patenting, is paramount. Collaboration between IT, Business Development, and Legal teams will be crucial in navigating this landscape effectively.

In addition to our core responsibilities, our department is committed to being agile and proactive in generating solutions, aligning with the organic and inorganic growth strategies outlined by our Holding company for the upcoming years. Given our relatively small team size, collaboration with partners who possess a deep understanding of sectoral dynamics is pivotal in our quest to innovate and adapt swiftly. By fostering strong partnerships and leveraging external expertise, we aim to effectively contribute to the realisation of our Holding company’s growth aspirations while maintaining a supportive and collaborative work environment within our department.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

The mentoring initiatives we spearhead with our younger colleagues hold significant importance to me, both for their personal growth and the broader social benefits they offer. I find immense fulfilment in sharing my experiences and knowledge with our younger team members, facilitating their professional development while gaining fresh perspectives through reverse mentoring sessions.

Additionally, I strongly believe in the enriching influence of art in our lives. My keen interest in all aspects of art stems from a desire to cultivate a well-rounded approach to business, fostering creativity and encouraging diverse viewpoints to thrive in our professional endeavours.

Buse Pınar Kaçar - Turkey 2015

Chief legal and corporate affairs officer | Yörsan

With an illustrious career spanning in-house and private practice, Buse Pınar Kaçar has held senior roles in major multinational companies, including Carrefour and GSK. She joined Yörsan as chief legal...

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