Tuğçe Mert – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Consumer products

Tuğçe Mert

Chief counsel and compliance officer | CarrefourSA


Türkiye 2024


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Tuğçe Mert

Chief counsel and compliance officer | CarrefourSA

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

CarrefourSA is a subsidiary of one of Europe’s leading retail chains, serving as the shopping destination of choice for an average of two billion people and the foundation of modern retailing worldwide. Significant changes in legislation directly related to the retail sector required the updating of thousands of contracts to which our company is a party.

In addition, the franchising project launched by our company in 2020 continues to develop at a fast pace. As a result of the 410 franchises opened during this period, hundreds of unique contracts not explicitly defined in Turkish law have been concluded. We also participated in a merger and acquisition transaction closely related to the retail sector, and a high-value litigation arising from this transaction was settled in favour of the client company.

Moreover, given the results of investigations conducted by the Turkish Competition Authority, one of the most active competition authorities in the world, we have implemented a very comprehensive and thorough compliance program at the client company. We conduct audits and trainings, the number of which is significantly higher than average.

What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024?

A software programme is being developed to be integrated into the company’s processes, ensuring compliance audits of the company and its suppliers, effective implementation of anti-bribery rules, and a high priority on ethics and compliance. This software will allow for rapid and up-to-date review and monitoring of ever-changing sanctions. In addition, software has been developed to facilitate the contract processes, which constitute a large workload given the size of the company, and subsequently provide archiving facilities. Artificial intelligence-based advancements are being made for the development of this programme.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

I am aware that I can impact people’s lives in everything I do and every decision I make. Therefore, as I consider the interests of my company, I also consider the interests of the society of which I am a part. I believe that for the world to be a better place, individuals should improve that which is within their sphere of influence. For this reason, I attach great importance to harmonisation to ensure our constitutional rights, which are the most basic guarantee of individuals. The most significant element that provides me professional satisfaction is the ability to positively change people’s lives.

Tuğçe Mert - Türkiye 2023

Chief legal and compliance counsel | CarrefourSA

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Tuğçe Mert - Türkiye 2022

Head legal counsel | CarrefourSA

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