M. Melih Yönet – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Information technology

M. Melih Yönet

Head of legal | intenseye


Türkiye 2024


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M. Melih Yönet

Head of legal | intenseye

What are the most significant cases and transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

One of the most significant transactions that our legal department has recently been involved in is our $64m Series B investment round. This transaction was particularly challenging and rewarding due to its multi-jurisdictional nature, involving laws and regulations from both the United States and Türkiye. The round was led by some of the top venture capital investors globally, underscoring intenseye’s potential and the confidence these seasoned investors have in our vision and technology.

Additionally, our legal team played a crucial role in formalising a partnership agreement with the Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TİSK). This collaboration is especially meaningful to us, as it aligns with our mission to enhance workplace safety across various sectors and the whole country. Thanks to this partnership, Intenseye is at the forefront of helping to protect lives and prevent workplace accidents in 13 different industries and over 170 manufacturing facilities of Fortune 500/ISO 500 companies in Türkiye.

What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024?

intenseye is an AI company. Accordingly, at the heart of our strategy is a commitment to ethical AI and data privacy. Recognising the profound impact that AI has on society, and the critical importance of safeguarding personal and corporate data, we are dedicated to being at the forefront of developing and adhering to AI and data privacy regulations. Our goal is to not only comply with existing laws but to be pioneers in setting standards for ethical AI and data privacy practices.

Acknowledging the recent passage of the EU AI Act, we recognise the significant implications this landmark legislation has on our operations, especially given our commitment to ethical AI and data privacy. This Act represents a major step forward in establishing legal frameworks around the use of AI technologies, setting stringent requirements for transparency, accountability, and the protection of fundamental rights. In response to the EU AI Act, we are meticulously reviewing our AI practices and data handling procedures to ensure full compliance. Our aim is to not only meet the regulatory requirements set forth by the EU AI Act but to exceed them, reinforcing our position as a leader in ethical AI and data privacy. This development aligns perfectly with our strategic priorities for 2024, further emphasising the importance of adhering to new AI and data privacy regulations.

Supporting intenseye’s growth while managing risk in the technology ecosystem is another cornerstone of our strategy. As our business expands, so does the complexity of the legal challenges we face. We are focused on enhancing our capabilities in key areas that are vital to our success. This includes strengthening our stance on data privacy, protecting our intellectual property, and navigating the legalities of international expansion. Each of these areas requires a nuanced understanding of the law, coupled with an innovative approach to problem-solving.

By focusing on these areas, we believe, as an AI company we can achieve our objectives and continue to make a positive impact in the tech industry in Türkiye and beyond.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

My passion is unequivocally centred around saving lives and fostering ethical AI practices alongside robust data privacy. The potential of artificial intelligence to make a tangible, positive impact on society is immense. When implemented with precision and care, AI can revolutionise workplace safety, mitigate risks, and most importantly, save lives. This belief is not only a personal cause but also a professional mission that aligns perfectly with the values and objectives of intenseye.

Working as a lawyer for an AI-powered workplace safety company that prioritises ethical AI and privacy, and which literally saves lives, is incredibly fulfilling. It represents a unique convergence of my professional skills and my personal values. This alignment fuels my dedication to ensuring our AI technologies are developed and utilised responsibly. It motivates me to advocate for legal frameworks that support innovative uses of AI while safeguarding against potential harms.

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