Hande Karakulah – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Consumer products

Hande Karakulah

Legal and scientific director | L'Oreal


Türkiye 2024


Recommended Individual

Hande Karakulah

Legal and scientific director | L'Oreal

Team size: Seven

What strategic priorities are guiding you and your team in 2024?

Counselling, compliance and brand protection will again be the most important topics for 2024. With the unprecedented acceleration of digital and data driven projects, our biggest effort will be on ensuring that we duly understand the business needs, identify the risks and ensure that we structure the process flows to avoid them. Our successful and relentless marketing and digital teams are frontiers of new consumer activation mechanisms, using AI, Gen AI and other technologies. The legal aspects, especially digital and data related topics are, and will continue to be, our priority. Building new e-com experiences for all the consumers for their convenience is another priority topic. We are operating in a highly complex channel structure, and we will continue to build on this structure to capture each and all. Ensuring our clients, e-com platforms and service providers understand our compliance principles, especially on competition law related aspects and we are all at the same vigilance level is our non-negotiable golden standard. This requires constant training and democratising the information across all stakeholders. Brand protection, our fight with illicit trade and copycats will accelerate in 2024.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

I am an activist believing in the power of NGOs, I am a member and board member of several NGOs working on women’s rights, gender equality and sustainable development goals. I have been an active participant of many social and political think tanks throughout my career. Being an active citizen is the lawyer’s responsibility in my opinion; therefore, I step up on all relevant occasions that require any support. This activist mindset, speaking for those who could not raise their voice, is also an integral part of who I am as a professional. I have been setting up processes to ensure employees have safe communication with relevant people when they are in need. Recently I have been appointed as diversity, equity and inclusion country leader for my company which allows me to -together with committed people- build a workplace where every employee feels included. I am a lifetime learner with a huge appetite to invest in myself and stretch my intellectual boundaries.

Hande Karakülah - Türkiye 2023

Legal and scientific director | L'Oreal Türkiye

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Hande Karakülah - Türkiye 2022

Formerly general counsel TMEA | Natura & Co

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Hande Karakülah - Turkey 2019

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Hande Karakülah - Turkey 2015

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