Zeynep İlginoğlu – GC Powerlist
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Türkiye 2024

Commercial and professional services

Zeynep İlginoğlu

Legal counsel | AppSamurai & Storyly


Türkiye 2024


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Zeynep İlginoğlu

Legal counsel | AppSamurai & Storyly

Could you share with us the story of your path to becoming an in-house counsel? What motivated you to choose this career path?

I have had a business-driven mentality since my high school years, and I was interested in both business administration and the practice of law. I contemplated between studying business administration or law but ultimately chose law. Throughout my studies, I pursued different internships in various organisations, leading me to the realisation that becoming an in-house lawyer would fulfil both my interests. With time, it became clearer that my choice was right, as being an in-house counsel involves mastering the rules of business management while actively participating in it.

A company is a legal entity whose existence is constituted by law. From the development of a product to obtaining investment, every action of a company operates within a legal framework. A strong company is built on a solid legal foundation. To exemplify, in an interview, it was argued that Bill Gates built his empire through his patents. A business may have great solutions, an individual may have a perfect invention, or a company may find a great business to acquire, among other possibilities. If a company is not protected by law, it is limited and at risk. Being an in-house counsel in a growing tech company gave me the opportunity to experience the needs of a business firsthand while protecting it under the law.

In your role as an in-house counsel, what are the main responsibilities and tasks you handle on a day to-day basis?

Since we are a small-sized legal team in a mid-tier business, I have a diverse range of responsibilities. My day typically starts with checking regulatory updates and then prioritising incoming requests to the legal department. I work closely with our sales teams, drafting and negotiating sales contracts, NDAs, and DPAs to expedite deal closures. Additionally, I assist the finance team with collection processes, taking necessary legal action in cases of non-payment by clients to enforce our contracts.

In response to regulatory updates, I develop compliance plans and submit them to our general counsel and CFO. Then, within a timeframe, I draft the necessary compliance documentation to comply with the relevant regulations. Some regulations may necessitate more intricate technical compliance, in which case I work closely with our technical teams to fulfil the requirements.

Another responsibility of mine is carrying out the company’s incentive applications and official correspondences with governmental agencies and ministries. We do not outsource most of our litigation processes; if we have an ongoing or new lawsuit process in Turkish jurisdiction, we handle that process as well.

What are some of the key challenges you have faced as a rising star in-house counsel, and how have you overcome them?

As a rising star, the most challenging daily situation for me is managing the high priority needs of different teams. Effective time management and prioritisation are essential skills for an in-house counsel. Over time, I mastered those skills to overcome the challenge.

The second key challenge for me was understanding the needs of the business. In the AdTech industry, there are various types of products and working models, and KPIs differ from campaign to campaign. Additionally, there is a wide variety of mobile advertisement types, each carrying its own legal risks. I addressed this challenge by closely collaborating with technical and sales teams, asking questions, and seeking clarity on various aspects, no matter how trivial they may seem. Asking questions is the key to success. As legal professionals, we need to be aware of and keep updated with emerging business models and product developments. Asking questions helps us understand the current needs of the business and implement the necessary protection through contracts.

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