Stathis Mihos – GC Powerlist
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Greece and Cyprus 2018


Stathis Mihos

Legal director | Pfizer


Greece and Cyprus 2018

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Stathis Mihos

Legal director | Pfizer

Stathis Mihos - Greece and Cyprus 2023

Legal director Greece, Cyprus, Malta and Israel | Pfizer

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Stathis Mihos - Greece and Cyprus 2022

Senior legal director Greece, Cyprus, Malta and Israel sub cluster lead | Pfizer

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Stathis Mihos’ legal career spans almost three decades, and since beginning his in-house career in 2001 he has built up a formidable reputation amongst Greece’s corporate counsel. As legal director of Pfizer Hellas – the Greek branch of the global pharmaceuticals company – since 2013, he actively contributes to the local business by helping the company launch and bring to market its latest products in a notoriously highly regulated industry.

One of his main recent achievements was reengineering the model of cooperation between Pfizer and its external counsel in Greece, Cyprus and Malta improving response times and controlling costs in the process. Demonstrating his value and status within the wider Pfizer network, Mihos is part of the chief editing team of “newsPfLAsh”, the newsletter for Pfizer’s European legal department and a member of the innovation committee of Pfizer’s global legal division. On his most significant in-house career achievements, Mihos highlighted the following: ‘Handling crises and major litigations, coordinating business, external counsel and corporate legal colleagues and achieving the best possible outcomes was an invaluable experience that I carry with me to this day and going forward; Working for diverse industries helped me understand different business models and appreciate the legal needs of the business and how best to serve them’.

In previous in-house roles, Mihos was a legal manager for BP Hellas for almost six years and a legal services manager at Lafarge for just under five years. Contributing to the wider profession, Mihos is a former president and board member of the Association of Corporate Counsel (Europe) and had this to say on his role there: ‘Leading the European chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel, the largest organisation for in house lawyers in the world, gave me the opportunity to have a better understanding of the needs and best practices of leading legal departments’. He has authored books on the in-house profession, studied law at the University of Athens and later obtained an LLM on information technology and telecommunications law from the University of Strathclyde.





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