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India 2016

Akhil Prasad

Country counsel India | Boeing International Corporation


India 2016


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Akhil Prasad

Country counsel India | Boeing International Corporation

Dr Akhil Prasad - India 2023

Board member, group general counsel and company secretary | Boeing India

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Dr Akhil Prasad - India 2022

Director, country counsel and company secretary | Boeing India

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Dr. Akhil Prasad - India 2018

Country counsel India and company secretary | Boeing International Corporation

Akhil Prasad is among the best-known figures in the global in-house community. ‘Truly a member of India’s legal elite’, he received multiple citations from both in-house and private practice nominators....

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With experience gained from working at a selection of some of the most recognisable and prestigious global companies, Dr. Akhil Prasad possesses career highlights that few in the legal market can match. After completing a PhD in commerce to go along with his doctorate in law in 2003, Prasad moved from General Motors, to gain further experience. He spent periods at The Walt Disney Company and Fidelity International India, before moving to his current role at Boeing International. Currently acting as Boeing International’s country counsel for India, Prasad is the company’s exclusive legal professional in India and as such has a key role for the organisation’s operations in the market. Prasad sees himself as an invaluable source of support and advice for the company, by removing the ambiguities of business in order to contribute towards a clear direction for strategy going forward. Prasad points to the variety of the companies he has worked at as both the most challenging and rewarding aspect of his career so far. Learning new business areas sufficiently to be accepted as a member of senior leadership has proved difficult at times, but Prasad mentions he was ‘successful with all of the companies [he] has worked for’. Along with these successes, Prasad points to recognition in the industry press as being a personal highlight, and stresses that flexibility is one of the greatest attributes a company can have. ‘The biggest challenge any international business faces is to adapt to the local legal and regulatory landscape’, Prasad explains. The organisations that are successful, he goes on, ‘learn early how to adapt’ to the specific conditions of whichever market they find themselves in.e Deposit Guarantee Institute.

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Dr. Akhil Prasad

Country counsel India and company secretary

Boeing International Corporation

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