Kathyanni Martins de Oliveira Santos – GC Powerlist
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Brazil 2024


Kathyanni Martins de Oliveira Santos

Legal manager | Cia Latino Americana de Medicamentos


Brazil 2024


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Kathyanni Martins de Oliveira Santos

Legal manager | Cia Latino Americana de Medicamentos

Team size: 23

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Over the last few years, our legal team has been challenged by new regulations, especially associated with the development of new services in our industry. Additionally, we have been able to help the company deploy new services and technologies and sustain compliance before regulatory authorities in over 160 cities in the country. Our legal team also addressed the new regulations regarding data usage in Brazil and helped the company comply with them.

Furthermore, we have observed an increase in laws and oversight concerning the development of an ethical culture within companies. We have successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of our Integrity Program.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

I would say that it is essential for an in-house lawyer to be integrated into the business, understanding and aligning with the company’s strategies, and dedicating all efforts to ensure legal security in achieving its goals. An in-house lawyer should actively engage with stakeholders, demonstrate diligence, and actively participate in the regulatory and legal community. This ensures ongoing improvement of regulations to adapt to new technologies and changes in business dynamics.

How have you fostered a closer collaboration between the legal department and your business counterparts?

In fostering closer collaboration between the legal department and our business counterparts, we have adopted a proactive approach aimed at integrating legal considerations seamlessly into the broader business strategy. Our efforts revolve around actively engaging in business discussions to gain a comprehensive understanding of internal client demand and strategic objectives. By doing so, we ensure that legal perspectives are not viewed in isolation but are rather intricately woven into the fabric of the decision-making process.

Additionally, we understand the importance of continuous learning and improvement.

To facilitate greater collaboration between the legal team and our business counterparts, I encourage our team to participate in various activities offered by the company. These may include innovation journeys, where they can explore emerging trends and innovative solutions, as well as involvement in business projects that provide firsthand exposure to the operational intricacies of different departments.

By immersing ourselves in the company atmosphere and empathising with challenges our counterparts face daily, we not only strengthen collaboration but also cultivate a culture of mutual understanding and support.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

I strongly believe in the development of people and organisational culture within companies. For this reason, working in Compliance has been both a gift and a significant motivator for my work. More recently, I have become involved in topics related to Corporate Governance. Seeking the longevity of relationships, not only business-related but also human, is a great source of inspiration for me.

Furthermore, I strongly believe in the transformative power of investing in the development of individuals and nurturing a positive organisational culture within companies. Throughout my career, working in Compliance has been both a profession and a passion – a realm where I have found fulfilment and purpose. It has been a rewarding journey where I have had the privilege to contribute to the integrity and ethical standards of the organisations I have been a part of.

Moreover, as I delved deeper into my role, I realised that Compliance is not just about adhering to regulations; it is about fostering a culture of trust, transparency, and accountability. This led me to explore broader horizons, and I have recently immersed myself in topics related to Corporate Governance. I firmly believe that a robust governance framework is essential for the sustainable growth and success of any organisation.

What truly drives me is the desire to cultivate enduring relationships – relationships that transcend mere transactions and are rooted in mutual respect, understanding, and empathy. Whether it is collaborating with colleagues, engaging with stakeholders, or interacting with clients, I strive to foster connections built on trust and integrity.

In essence, my journey in Compliance and Corporate Governance is not just about upholding regulatory standards; it is about creating an environment where individuals thrive, organisations flourish, and ethical leadership prevails. It is about making a meaningful impact, one relationship at a time.

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