Andre Maia – GC Powerlist
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Brazil 2024

Materials and mining

Andre Maia

Legal director, South America | Sibelco Group


Brazil 2024

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Andre Maia

Legal director, South America | Sibelco Group

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

In the mining industry, the role of an in-house lawyer is pivotal and demands a unique set of qualities due to the industry’s specific challenges and opportunities. At the heart of this role is a profound understanding of the specific legal frameworks governing environmental concerns, mining regulations, and permit processes. This knowledge is essential not just for compliance but also for strategic planning and risk management. Equally important is a lawyer’s integration into the business side of operations. This involves a solid grasp of the mining business’s nuances, from the technicalities of extraction processes to the global economic factors affecting the industry. Such understanding enables the provision of actionable, business-aligned legal advice that directly contributes to operational success and client satisfaction.

How have you fostered a closer collaboration between the legal department and your business counterparts?

I have fostered closer collaboration between the legal department and business counterparts by ensuring the legal team is involved from the early stages of business projects. This early involvement allows us to seamlessly integrate legal considerations into business planning and decision-making processes. Additionally, I have promoted open communication channels and regular training sessions on relevant legal topics for non-legal staff. This approach not only demystifies legal concepts but also encourages proactive engagement with the legal department, ensuring smoother project execution and risk management.

Do you have a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about?

One cause I am particularly passionate about, which also intersects with my professional interests, is the integration of sustainability considerations into the fabric of business decision-making, especially within mergers and acquisitions. My master’s thesis centered on evaluating sustainability in the analysis of M&A activities. This experience deepened my understanding of how sustainability can be a critical lever for value creation, risk management, and long-term success in business consolidations. Through my studies, I have come to appreciate the importance of assessing not just the financial but also the environmental and social impacts of M&A. This holistic approach ensures that such strategic moves are not only profitable but also contribute positively to the broader ecosystem—supporting a transition towards more sustainable business practices. I’m passionate about the potential to drive change in this area, advocating for sustainability to be a standard lens through which all M&A activities are evaluated.

Andre Maia - Brazil 2023

General counsel for South America | Sibelco Brasil

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Andre Maia

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Sibelco Brasil

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