Sandra Krebs – GC Powerlist
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Austria 2024

Food, beverages and tobacco

Sandra Krebs

Country legal director | Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company


Austria 2024

Recommended Individual

Sandra Krebs

Country legal director | Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company

Team size: three 


First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently? 

Recently, our team has been involved in a variety of impactful projects. We consulted on the purchase of photo-voltaic systems, supporting sustainable energy solutions. We also played a key role in implementing a Green Fleet, advancing our commitment to eco-friendly transportation. Notably, we contributed to Coca-Cola HBC’s innovative LitePac Top Strap packaging solution. 

Our involvement in various sales projects and the simplification of contracts has streamlined operations. Additionally, we executed our Compliance Agenda, conducting annual Ethics & Compliance Week, along with regular trainings and e-learnings. Our strong support for the “Women in Network” association highlights our dedication to diversity and inclusion. Proudly, our Legal Department received a Net Promoter Score of 96 in the internal Collaboration for Impact survey, making us the best-rated department in the Austrian organisation. 


How does your legal strategy change during periods of instability or uncertainty?   

Proactivity and market understanding are two of the top characteristics being key for us. We do not only try to support legal matters but also integrate ourselves into business processes to understand the big picture and simplify our formalities as best as possible for our internal clients. In a dynamic market environment, decisions must be made quickly. 

We provide cutting-edge legal advice, quick responses and are a reliable partner in the operational business as well as in strategic initiatives. In this context, we also review our internal processes and look for simplification opportunities to accelerate speed-to market and thus support our colleagues to act faster. A solution-orientated approach is always in focus. Despite many requests, “customer first” is always in the foreground, with time being taken for personal exchange with our colleagues. In an instable and uncertain environment, it is very important to stay together as a team and proactively drive results in cross-functional collaboration.  


Do you make use of any ‘legal tech’ products, and if so, for which areas of your job do you find it most useful? 

Digitalisation is a top priority in our legal department, and we extensively use various legal tech products to enhance our efficiency and effectiveness. For commercial activities, we rely on a Contract Management System (CMS) to streamline and manage contracts, ensuring they are easily accessible and up to date. In procurement, the SAP Ariba End-to-End System, which includes contract management, significantly improves our processes by providing a seamless and integrated platform. 

For third-party due diligence, we use the Exiger tool to conduct thorough compliance checks and mitigate risks. Our matter management and e-billing are handled through the Legal Tracker tool, which helps us keep track of legal cases and expenses effectively. We also use DocuSign for electronic signatures, allowing us to execute documents quickly and securely. Additionally, we have an E-Approval Portal for obtaining necessary approvals under the Code of Business Conduct, streamlining the approval process. E-learning modules on topics such as Competition Law, the Code of Business Conduct, and Data Protection are also part of our digital strategy to ensure our team remains informed and compliant. Looking ahead, we will soon implement a Legal Chatbot to provide quick, automated responses to common legal queries, further enhancing our digital capabilities. 



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