Michael Stelzel – GC Powerlist
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Austria 2024

Materials and mining

Michael Stelzel

Head of compliance | HOERBIGER 


Austria 2024


Recommended Individual

Michael Stelzel

Head of compliance | HOERBIGER 

Team size: Three

Do you make use of any ‘legal tech’ products, and if so, for which areas of your job do you find it most useful? 

In a volatile world with conflicting regulations and political power shifts, our main focus is to guide a globally acting group of companies through this storm. Our mission is to translate highly complex rules, such as sanctions, into a clear playbook understood by sales, procurement, technicians, export experts, and managers. We use real-life business examples to explain the ‘dos and do nots,’ and when a positive outcome can be achieved by following certain rules and procedures.

We increasingly utilise technology and procedures. We have implemented a Compliance Tracker, developed by others, to track the allocation of resources in terms of manpower and finances, aiming to allocate resources efficiently and identify gaps that need to be closed. Additionally, we have implemented a Compliance Ticker, allowing our colleagues around the world to stay aware of developments on different continents. All these tools are designed to be user-friendly, with low barriers to access, providing a touch-and-play experience. 

Last but not least, our work thrives on personal contact with colleagues from different cultures. Therefore, we engage in a lot of traveling, conduct production visits, and strengthen relationships among HOERBIGER ‘family’ members, as we proudly refer to ourselves. This pride is based on a strong culture embedded in an environment of trust and collaboration. True Values serve as the foundation for all our work, bringing systems, procedures and business to life. 


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