Dr. Tir Srinopnikom – GC Powerlist
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Thailand 2024

Information technology

Dr. Tir Srinopnikom

Head of legal – strategy and reputation | Fujitsu


Thailand 2024


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Dr. Tir Srinopnikom

Head of legal – strategy and reputation | Fujitsu

What are the most significant cases and transactions that you have recently been involved in?  

I have been working on a series of the company’s M&A transactions and advising on major IT deals within Thailand and throughout ASEAN. 


Which recent political, economic or regulatory changes have impacted your work the most in recent years?  

Geopolitical dynamics, such as political instability, trade disputes, sanctions, and cyber threats, have indeed become crucial considerations for businesses operating internationally. Adapting to the changing geopolitical landscape is crucial for companies to navigate uncertainties effectively and safeguard their interests. 

The increasing competition between major powers like the United States and China, often termed as the “new Cold War,” has various implications across different sectors, including economic, technological, and ideological facets. This rivalry has led to the formation of alliances and the use of sanctions as a geopolitical tool, further emphasizing the need for in-house lawyers to focus on compliance, risk management, and strategic decision-making. 

In response to these challenges, in-house lawyers are expected to take a proactive approach by conducting thorough risk assessments, developing contingency plans, and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Their role extends to advising senior management on key strategic decisions related to market entry, partnerships, and investments. 


Are the effects of AI on the legal world overplayed, or underplayed? 

The impact of AI on the legal realm is a nuanced subject. While some may argue that its effects are exaggerated, others contend they are not emphasized enough. For me, the correct answer to the given question is subjective. 

However, it is more critical to look at the area of Intellectual Property law as it plays a pivotal role in the development and protection of AI technologies. The protection strategies for AI encompass various elements, copyright for data and original code, database rights, and confidentiality agreements for safeguarding proprietary information. The protection of algorithms presents a unique challenge due to their abstract nature, but confidentiality can offer a layer of security. Patents, on the other hand, provide a more extensive protection based on the technical effects of the AI tool, granting exclusive rights for up to 20 years. However, the process of obtaining patents is complex and requires careful planning, including a significant investment and strategic considerations for international coverage. For AI developers, a thorough understanding of IP laws is indispensable to ensure their innovations are well-protected and to navigate the ever-changing technological landscape with confidence. 





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